January 4, 2016

New Year Capsule Wardrobe

The beginning of the year is a great time to freshen your closet! Clear out all those clothes you don't love or wear; create a capsule (set of clothes) that are easily mixable and your mornings will be suddenly easier! With one set of clothes, you can create a month's worth of outfits (see above). The set today has only thirteen pieces of clothing and it produced four weeks of outfits! It's completely do-able, trust me. You'll love how light you feel when your closet is uncluttered and your outfits come together effortlessly.

Want to start your new year with a new closet?

1 comment :

  1. hello Catherine, happy new year to you.
    This must have taken quite a while to put together. I'm a photographer and if these are your own clothes then photographing them in all those different configurations must have taken ages. They go very well together by the way, and this from a man living in Africa :)
    Have a great 2016 and be open to the blessings God will pour out on you this year, Geoff.


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