April 3, 2014

Five April Goals

Last month I finished almost everything on my goal list except opening my shop. I've had some glitches in getting the downloadable files up to the quality that I want. So my little shop has been delayed. But hopefully it will be remedied soon and I'll get to throw a launch party.

Doing these monthly goals makes me happy so I'm continuing in April. Here are my five April goals:

1.  Have coffee on the porch and enjoy Spring.

2.  Paint a super-secret gift for a super-special friend.

3.  Listen to three encouraging and/or inspiring podcasts.

4.  Send a postcard to a friend.

5.  Enjoy a girl's night out.

What are you hoping to do in April?

{See March's goals here and May's goals here}


  1. Such fun goals! I especially like the first one. Pretty much any Sunday when I'm not serving at church will find me simply sitting at my kitchen table enjoying a slow morning. I'm out the door each day during the week at 7 and breakfast and lunch at my workplace so it's a sweet treat to just slow and enjoy. I can't wait for it to be nice enough to pop out to our patio!

    1. Thank you, Nadine. I agree, it's such a treat to enjoy a slow morning.

  2. I love listening to podcasts, especially when folding and putting away laundry. My favorites are The Art of Simple and Inspired to Action.

    Hope you have a great month!

    1. Ashley, that's a great idea to listen while you work! Oooo, thank you for new podcast recommendations; my current favorite is Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn.

  3. love the list Catherine
    this month I am taking care of me...whatever that looks like

    love and light

    1. Good for you, Cat! If I'm guessing, you'll be outside enjoying the beautiful weather with your beloved camera. :)


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