
November 28, 2013

Why I'm Grateful for You

Since today is Thanksgiving (in the States), I wanted to share three reasons why I'm grateful for you:

1. You're kindly concerned but not overbearing when I drop off the map for awhile. You make sure I'm okay but you understand that life gets crazy and sometimes we need to step away from the blog. Thank you.

2. You inspire me in the greatest ways with your blogs and comments. Even when I get overwhelmed with life, I still love reading what's going on with you and your thoughts.

3. You make me feel connected to the world in a way I wouldn't be otherwise. It still wows me that we can "know" people from across the world in this tiny land of internet.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, or just a happy day! I'll be celebrating with my family and stuffing my face full of turkey and dressing. Yum.

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Thank you so much for your visit. I love hearing from you and dearly appreciate your comment!