
July 29, 2013

Happenings Lately (and a 40 Day Fast)

July has been a whirlwind! I did a 40 day water fast (I'll tell you more about that in an upcoming post).

My parents put on their annual "Cousin Camp". (Mine are the three blondes on the left)

Not to be outdone; my brother, sister and I had "Sibling Camp". 

Then my youngest got his tonsils out. He's been a great sport.

So I'd say that I'm ready for August, but I'm NOT. August is always much worse. My husband gets crazy busy (he works at a university) this time of year and the start of school always brings tons of activity with our kids. But I'll just soak up the quiet right now while I fix soup and ice cream for my little patient and pretend August is far, far away. 

What have you been up to lately?


  1. Your poor baby! I am sure he's all better by now...but oh poor baby!

    I love the underwater sib's awesome!

    Up to a lot....painting, cleaning, living...a lot of it. :)

    40 day water!

    1. I know, isn't he pitiful? He's been so brave about it all. He is still recovering (it takes two weeks) but doing much better. :) We had lots of fun getting pictures underwater; it had us laughing hard.

      I love seeing all your artwork on Facebook. You have been working hard this summer!

  2. thank you Catherine for sharing these wonderful photos and your youngest is such a good sport to have his photo taken like this, Annette x

    1. Isn't he? :) I've been impressed with his good attitude despite the pain.

  3. Crikey you have been up to a lot haven't you? Your son looks like he is really feeling sorry for himself (and I would be too... bless him!) I love all the photos, especially your Sibling Camp pic. Awesome! :D
    Suzy Turner, YA Author

    1. Ha, I have, Suzy. Yeah, my son was still a bit out of it in this picture, the anesthesia had not completely worn off. ;) The underwater pic was thanks to my sister-in-law's underwater camera ~ it was really fun to play around with.

  4. the camps look fun
    hope your youngest feels better soonI had mine out when i was 10

    all the best for next month

    1. They were fun! :) He's doing somewhat better but still in pain when the meds wear off. Thanks for your good wishes, Jen.


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