
April 10, 2013

A Life Like This

Some lives impact you in a way that will forever change things. It is a rare person who ages with grace as beautiful as they had in their youth. It's uncommon to allow others to help you in a way that is grateful and not greedy. It's unheard of to be kinder in your weakness than you were in your strength. But that has been my Memaw.

She's loved me regardless and I knew it. When I brought my husband into the family, she accepted him completely. Each child I birthed, she loved unconditionally. Even in the recent years when she stayed with me to give my parents respite, she never once complained about coming. Yet I know it's been hard on her. She misses home but doesn't say it. She always thanks me on the way back for a "wonderful visit".

I say all this to say that when I grow up, I want to be like Memaw. I want my life in youth to be as tender and loving as it is in aging and dying. She is dying now. They say it won't be long. I got to see her last weekend, we sang songs together. She loves music like me.

This week someone who's home-bound said to me, "What's my purpose now?" And I thought of Memaw and how she loved, even when she could give nothing else. That's the greatest purpose of all. There is always someone to love, to thank, to encourage, or to sing with. Memaw did that her whole life; and she didn't stop just because she got old and lost her functions. I guess it's probably obvious, but want to be her when I grow up.


  1. Catherine
    this was beautiful.....
    so inspiring, because we are never ever too old to love!

    love and light

    1. Knowing we'll never be too old to love is an encouraging thought, isn't it? :D

  2. she sounds like a very dear person
    Ill be keeping you both in my prayers :)

  3. What a beautiful tribute to your gran - what an amazing person she is. My mom-in-law is now 82 and she also is just love. Love is really all that matters and all that we are remembered for.

    1. Yes, it's what I'd love to be remembered for! :) Thanks, Clare.

  4. that's lovely Catherine, I hope I can remember that, to love, is the greatest purpose of all! Heather x

    1. Heather, from the little I know about you, I think you'll have no trouble remembering. :D

  5. This post is beautiful. It's so hard to see the people we admire moving out of this life, but so important to hold on to what they've taught us. I wish you and your family the best in this difficult time!

  6. I love this. You are right -- Love is the greatest purpose. xo


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