
March 20, 2013

Love is Work, Not Magic

I used to think love was a feeling, or something you gave to someone. I adopted the princess definition thinking that love would find me and be constant forever. But love is so much more than that. It's showing kindness in ugly moments, hoping the best through rough patches and holding hands when you want to run. It's overriding offenses with understanding. It's being honest, even when it hurts to be so. It's giving so much of yourself that you feel you'll bleed. It's all the things I struggle to do.

My tendency is to love with conditions ~ wanting it to benefit me as much as others. Reaching out as long as it doesn't hurt; forgiving only when others admit their wrong. I give when it's easy. And this isn't love. Offensive. Conditional. With walls.

I don't want to be that way. I want love flowing off of me like sand off a dune. I want it moving freely without hesitation, full of grace and compassion. I want my love to wave in the wind of turmoil, signaling that this is a safe place to hide.

I'm not there yet. I have so far to go and sometimes get weary in the journey. But even self-pity is about me. I gave up self-condemnation for Lent, a strange thing to give up I suppose, but it's been utterly revealing. I never knew how circular my thoughts could be. But I'm walking step by step away from that path and onto one full of mercy.

I want my love to be a beautiful thing, like a flower in the field or a barren tree at the brink of Springtime.


  1. I'm sure it will for you are surely working towards this. What a great thing to give up for lent, perhaps I will also try this! Heather x

    1. Thank you, Heather. Your encouragement is felt deeply. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautifully said, my friend. And what an awesome thing to give up for Lent - how many of us struggle with that very thing? Thank you for sharing your heart and your pictures. I will hold on to that visual of love being a beautiful thing like "a barren tree at the brink of springtime" since we have so many of those here right now. :) Thank you again. Love you!

    1. Aww Janine, thank you. I'm so glad it spoke to you.

  4. This post spoke to me too, especially the part "It's showing kindness in ugly moments, hoping the best through rough patches and holding hands when you want to run." Something I will think about for some time. Thankyou for this.xx

  5. Cathy, THAT POST was beautiful!! I LOVE your honesty, and I respect you so much! You need to write a book... you need to be my mentor! You've got so much wisdom, my friend :)

    1. Katie, you are precious. I love and respect you right back!! Haha, girl, anytime you want to meet for coffee, let me know. :D


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