
March 15, 2013

Follow Me on Bloglovin'

If you follow my blog on Google Reader, you can feel free to follow on Bloglovin' {now that Google Reader is closing in July}. There's an easy way to import all the blogs you follow from Google Reader to Bloglovin' here.

I rely heavily on my reader to browse a long list of lovely blogs. Switching all of those blogs over was easy and now I'm relieved to have them safe. :)

Wishing you a happy weekend!


  1. lovely, thank you I have done that too. I not quite sure what is happening with google reader but i'm taking your lead, Heather x

    1. They're closing it in July. :( Guess I should've said that in the post, ha.

  2. Wow...are they replacing Google Reader? Why would they close it? That's crazy. Thanks for the tip. I've seen BlogLovin' badges on other blogs and wondered what the difference was. I am so dumb when it comes to the internet.

  3. And I wonder why my thumbnail is my old avatar?

  4. Oh...never mind...I figured it out...I have two for Blogger and one for my gmail and Blogger won't let me use gmail as my primary email. I have never been able to figure out how to merge it all to my gmail email which I would prefer.

    Oh my gosh I'm rambling.

    1. I love you're rambling; feels like we're just chatting about Blogger/gmail. :) That is weird that it never let you link your gmail. Don't know the answer to that one. :/


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