
February 13, 2013

Give Up Books?

I asked my husband what I should give up for Lent, and without a moment's hesitation he teasingly said, "Books."

Books??? What kind of crazy talk is that? Books are good and healthy. They aren't something to GIVE UP. 

But...then again, Lent is supposed to be sacrificial. Right. And it's supposed to be meaningful. Yes, but...(enter whiny voice) I love books. *hugs them tightly* 
Oh, I think I see why he picked that.

I'm not saying I'm giving up books, (grr!) but he's made me think about it. I'm not sure what I'm giving up. After reading all those live simply/quit being a selfish brat books, I seriously considered just eating beans and rice for Lent. I also considered walking to get my groceries. But with the spending fast and wardrobe reduction, I'm wondering how much change I can handle at one time. Then I remembered that one side of my garage is full of furniture I don't need. Oh yeah, I can probably handle a bit more change.

And in case you're wondering, I'm not Catholic; but I like the practice of Lent. It helps me think outside of myself during this season. Have you ever given something up for a time?


  1. I'm laughing because one side of my garage is full up with furniture I don't need! I don't think I've ever given up anything, except for bad things like smoking! oh and sugar once for 3 months. That's it, I don't think I do that kind of denial very well! I have to agree with you that books are good. I would like to read some of those books there. Good luck with whatever you choose, Heather x

    1. Isn't it crazy how we do that with stuff, collect it and store it? You gave up sugar for three months?? I'm in awe! That would definitely be a struggle for me. :)

  2. I'm not sure I could give up books for Lent. I actually decided to give up Facebook this year.

  3. coming from someone that works at a library hug those books! Cute blog btw

  4. I find that even if I grumble about the sacrifices at first, I learn a lot with that little bit of asceticism during Lent--it helps you enjoy other parts of life that you may have overlooked.
    Once my little sister gave up fiction (she was about 12)--it was quite a long Lent for her, but she gained a real appreciation for non-fiction!

    1. So beautifully said, Faith. I agree, it brings to light the things we tend to miss or overlook. It's funny you brought up giving up fiction, because that's what I decided to do. I'm in a season of study that would make it difficult to give up all books, but giving up fiction would be doable


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