
February 8, 2013

Afghan, Computer and Me

I love to sit wrapped in a wool afghan with my laptop, in the dark, quiet morning.
Three little hearts. I tend to return to the number three, and I'm guessing it has something to do with my kids.
 Working on hubby's birthday present. I'm sure you've probably seen these on Pinterest.
 While it's not an original idea, the writings inside are all my own.
It wasn't hard to come up with 52 Things I Love about him.

Hope you have an incredible weekend!


  1. a new idea to me, what a great gift! Heather x

  2. Oh, I forgot about that idea! I did see it on pinterest and I pinned it for Valentine's day and forgot. Egads! Still time to do it maybe.

    By the way, the number three is pretty special: it's the holy trinity's number, and in debates and speeches if you want to emphasize a point, they say to always repeat it three times. :)

    1. It's so much fun to create! Hope you do it. :) And I love how you thought of more reasons why three is special.

  3. love your hubbys birthday present :)

  4. great present Catherine
    I love to cuddle up to the computer and visit my bloggy friends in the still of the early morning too
    especially this time of year as we have the wood stove on tand the computer is close by it

    love and light


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