
January 16, 2013

A Song Pop Life

My kids are hugely into Song Pop. It's a game where you compete with another person to see who can guess the song/artist of a set of songs the fastest. I must say that I fail at this game. Even though I consider myself good at naming songs I can't do it in two notes! I'm just not fast enough. In fact, I get irritated because if it's a great song, I want to keep hearing the rest of it. Of course, that doesn't help win a timed game. And if someone else is playing and I keep on humming the song--that's lethal.
I'm noticing the Song Pop trend in life. Everyone is in a big hurry, on to the next thing, what can we accomplish, and the beauty of the song is being overlooked. It's like we grab the part of life we think we'll need and then we're off to the next thing. Almost like a Hunger Games version of living. We've forgotten to notice the small, beautiful moments of life because we're in such a hurry to win.
I've been attempting to notice things more. I'm trying to remember what it was like as a kid in the age of innocence when every little thing could be a wondrous miracle. My second-born daughter was a loud little babe. She could scream at ear-bursting pitches. This attribute was adorable at any gift-giving occasion. It didn't matter how small or large the present, she squealed and celebrated each gift. We would all laugh and enjoy her sweet, grateful little spirit. We had to remind her that she had more to open and prod her to keep going because she would be so caught up in the gift she held in her hand she'd forget the rest. She wasn't greedy, she was grateful.
I've been trying to practice this lately. To explore the wonder of a box of crayons, the simple pleasure of a mound of stickers, or the teary beauty of one soulful song.
I want to dance to the song of life and stop trying to win the game.
Photos: //A ceramic bowl I painted, now full of magazine words//Chantilly Songs adorable card and button which came with her amazing c.d - it's been on replay since I got it//Apple and cinnamon water - my latest trick to keep drinking water//


  1. Beautiful and well said. I love the analogy with song pop, though I've never played the game. Let's make a pledge to life more mindfully this year, eh, friend?

  2. What a great reminder! (And your photos are gorgeous.)

    I agree wholeheartedly that in this culture we have to remind ourselves constantly to SLOW DOWN and ENJOY. It's sad, but totally fixable, if we try. :)

    1. Thank you, Kristi! Yes I agree, totally fixable, if we take notice. :)

  3. gosh yes the internet can be very like that too. grab and run! oh dear we have forgotten the art of staying with something. I will try. I like the sound of apple and cinnamon water, that's new to me. Heather x

    1. So true. And as for the water, just pour it over a broken cinnamon stick with a half or whole sliced apple and let it sit. It's delicious.

    2. sorry to be daft but is that hot water?!!

    3. Not at all! I use cold, but you're idea of hot would probably speed up the seeping process. :)

  4. pleased Im not the only one that fails at that internet game
    although I wonder now Ive read this whether it would be easier if my sound card worked LOL mine doesnt on my computer
    didnt even know there was music until I read this

    I had some "beautiful moments of life" of life yesterday
    when my youngest and I went to the nearby park and played with a couple of balls for a good part of the late afternoon/early evening :)
    Im really enjoying the school holidays with him :)

    1. I bet he loved that too! Sounds like a perfect beautiful moment.

  5. I know what you're talking about. It's the same thing while listening to the radio and the will play a gorgeous song and just after some seconds the stop it and play advertisment. I hate it.
    By the way I am actually reading a book by Francesc Miralles "Amor en minĂºscula" thought you would love it, too. It's about a men around 35 and he is discovering a totally new world of little things in his surrounding. I'm reading it in german, it's named "Samuel und die Liebe zu den kleinen Dingen" and searched through the internet but can't find it in English, sorry. But maybe you would find it yourself :)

    Best wishes,

    Sarah from

    1. I'll have to look up that book, thanks for the recommendation, Sarah!

  6. Thanks for this post. Learning and appreciating.

  7. What a beautiful post. And what a beautiful way to live : )

    1. Thank you, Melissa. :) I'm not there yet, but I want that to be my default way of living.

  8. Amazing imagery, powerful... Beautiful post.


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