
September 26, 2012

Swirly Stamps

I've gone a little stamp-making crazy lately. I saw a kit at the craft store and decided to give it a go. 
I'm constantly wanting little background snippets without having to paint every single one and don't always want to rely on scrapbook paper or ready-made stamps. Making your own stamps is easy to do and fun! Now that the bug has hit me, I hope to create an enormous stamp collection!

What would you enjoy a stamp of?

P.S. Do you love my Hello Kitty earphones? They were a gift from my sister and I adore them!!


  1. Those are super cute! I like to make my own stamps too. I made an "@" symbol for a friend as a gift (she uses the symbol in place of the "a" in her name on her blog) and that got me started. You're right -- they are easy and fun to do!

    I also love wax seals! They add a fun touch to personal letters and notes.

    1. What a sweet idea to give the @ stamp to your friend! Such a kind personal gesture. My niece and nephew are really into the wax seals. I've been afraid to buy some due to my sheer obsessive nature. ;)

  2. Ooooooooh, I love your swirly stamps! I'd go nuts making my own stamps time permitting *sigh* I think I'd love rain drop stamps the most. I'd make a little girl waving too, to make "hello" cards. Then I'd paint a little extra on each card (like a santa hat for Christmas). Love the headphones! But then again, I'm a big hello Kitty fan, hehe.

    1. Rain drops would be so cute! What great ideas. Glad to know you're a Hello Kitty fan. What's not to love about her, right? :)

  3. Loving your earphones, brill. Wow making your own stamps Catherine thats one heck of a job and yours look smashing. xx

    1. Thanks, Netty! They're really easy to make, I swear. :)

  4. cool stamps Catherine!

  5. How fun! And beautiful, too.

    And your Hello Kitty earphones ROCK.

    1. SO fun! I really should've put a DIY with this...maybe later. And yes, Hello Kitty DOES rock, doesn't she? :D :D

  6. That looks so pretty!

    1. Thank you! Isn't it funny how the prettiest things can be tiny?


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