
September 6, 2012

Straight from the ART

I'm beginning a new feature spotlighting some of my favorite artists. Today let me introduce Danielle Daniel.

Danielle paints gorgeous mixed-media art. I looohuuve her choice of vibrant color in this piece! My favorite feature of her work is her eyes. Those beautiful angles and layered shadowing have a vulnerable quality that pulls me in. It's deliciously childlike and innocent. I admire how seamlessly she layers. (Am I gushing too much? Sorry, fan girl over here.)

What colors do you lean towards?


  1. This is so sweet. I have seen her art before...but I don't remember where. I "liked" her on facebook.

    Color...these days it's gray and white with a mix of earthy orange or green or yellow.

    1. She's been in various art magazines, you may have spotted her there. Your color scheme sounds like autumn, and you know how I feel about that! *love*

  2. Pretty! I always lean toward the reds and warm colors. They give it so much depth.

  3. Dearest Catherine,

    Thank-you so much for this lovely post. It's nice to know that at the end of the day, we are all connected no matter where we live on this globe. Thank-you for this thoughtful tribute and keep sharing your art with the world. d xox

    1. Of course! It's always thrilling to share beautiful art with others. :) And thank you, I will. :D

  4. wow! that's very lovely!
    Have a sweet and brilliant day!!
    Greeting from ヽ(^。^)ノ

    (●^o^●) Visit my blog?
    and let me know if you like to follow each other (just making friends) But if you don't like, it's still ok :D no problems at all (*^。^*)


  5. LOVE this too! Thanks for sharing Danielle's work!

  6. Beautiful work here! Love the style. And your latest twin painting is beautiful too! Unfortunately I've never been close enough with someone to have such memory tangling, but maybe one day ; ]

  7. I love the colors and her expression here! Very nice indeed :)


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