
September 18, 2012

Straight from the ART, Vol. 2

Sara in the Kitchen ~ Lisa Graham

Today I'm shining the artist spotlight on Lisa Graham. I looove the cozy feel of Lisa's paintings. She takes inspiration from her personal history, like old pictures of her mother and grandmother (above), and brings them to life. She weaves unexpected surprises in her mixed media paintings and isn't afraid of using imagination. I've had the privilege of becoming friends with Lisa through blogging. She has an encouraging spirit and a genuine heart that shines through in her work. I hope you'll check out her beautiful gallery.

Do you love looking through old pictures and discovering the story within?


  1. Hi Catherine! Thank you for this! You are so sweet and I am grateful for our new friendship!

  2. It's beautiful. I tend to be more drawn to the bright and "happy" colors of artwork like yours. I think that's why your paintings all resonate so strongly with me.

    1. Bright and happy is how I would describe you, so it makes sense those are your favorite colors. :D


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