
September 25, 2012

Polyvore Palette: Pumpkin

Pumpkin Palette

Pumpkin Palette by wingedwriter featuring crepe pants

These colors have been creeping into my paintings a bunch lately. I thought it'd be fun to share my palette polyvore style. :) As you already know, I'm pretty crazy about Autumn and any excuse I get to use the beautiful leaf-inspired colors, I do. 

I love layers (pretty obvious, huh?). The more I can pile on, the happier I feel. I think it makes me feel tucked in and safe. I'm especially crazy about scarves. I usually have an extra one hidden in my purse so if I get chilly I can  cover up. It's also handy if I want to dress up a casual outfit in a hurry.

What is one of your favorite must-haves for fall?

P.S. Today's P's birthday (my middle daughter). Happy Birthday sweet girl! We're pampering her today. :D


  1. Must have would be my cardigan sweaters...I must have 20 or 30 of them. I am also a jacket/coat addict.

    Thanks for the taste of fall. :)

    1. I have a collection of cardigans too. Awesome for layering! :)

  2. I love fall! These colors make me want to shop and revamp my wardrobe! ;)

    Wishing your daughter a very happy birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday to your girl. Fall colors are my favorite :) I can't live without scarves either.

    1. And there's so many scarf displays nowadays; I love them all: big, little, knitted, silk...

  4. I love those pants!!! They look so comfy.
    I grumbled to myself today as I had to put on shorts. Where has the cool weather gone?!

    1. Sooo comfy looking, I tease the girls that comfortable is my style. :) Don't fret about the heat, the cooler weather's supposed to move back in before the weekend.

  5. That sweater is to die for! i absolutely love everything about it!

  6. Love the color scheme here!

    xo Jennifer

  7. Oh I gasped when I saw that yellow sweater! I love it!


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