
September 20, 2012


7:00 Plan blog posts and note what I need photos of.
8:00 The girls leave for school, time for coffee and juice.
 9:00 Get started on vocabulary with my son.
 10:00 Still playing around with my hair. Tried curling the bangs today.
11:00  I catch up on emails and twitter while my son works. Love school on the couch!
12:00 Lunch time. He gets a sandwich, I get V-8 "soup" and finish off the orange juice (liquids only today).
 1:00 We work on projects or chores in the afternoon. My project includes markers.
2:00 Contemplate painting supplies for my upcoming craft show.
3:00 Sneak in some reading while waiting to pick up the girls.
4:00 Time to help with homework. I think I dread it more than they do.
5:00 Pasta for dinner.
6:00 I hate shopping, but promised P we'd go tonight. She makes it fun.
 7:00 I actually found a couple of cute skirts on big clearance. P used that to remind me shopping can be fun. Okay, okay, I suppose it can be sometimes.

What are you doing today?


  1. I am taking my mom to the grand opening of Marshall's here in Wichita. She loves skirts too.

    Looks like your time spent is very quality!

    1. That's so sweet, Lisa! I hope she finds some good ones. :)

  2. It's great that you plan your blog posts. I need to do that more often.

    1. I haven't always, it's something I started about a year ago after taking a course called Blog Love (by A Beautiful Mess).

  3. I love this post...what a good idea! I may have to do this. :)

    1. Yes, I hope you do it, Kari! I love getting peeks into the lives of others! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Pretty normal (minus the shopping) and yes, quite nice. ;)

  5. Love this post...your photos are AWESOME.

    Very cool. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Aww, thanks Kristi. Still a novice in photography, so I appreciate that.

  6. These posts are always one of my favorites! It's so fun to get a peek into the daily life of others =)


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