
September 10, 2012

Loving Lately: Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

So lately I'm a little obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes. They're so yummy and I keep thinking if I drink enough of them, cooler weather will descend. ;)

What I'm loving lately:
  • Seeing old friends who were traveling through town this weekend.
  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
  • Visiting with my Grandmother who's come to stay with us for the week.
  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
  • The new arrangement of my studio. Love having everything within reach!
  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes. (See? Obsessed.)
What are you loving lately?

P.S. I'm going to pause the linky party right now. But if you have a post you'd like to share please leave a link in the comments below; I'd love to see it!


  1. I like your picture sounds so yummy!!

    catching up with friends is special

    I need to clean up my office then itll be like your studio :)

    1. Aww thanks, Jen. I'm kind of crazy about chai tea latte's too. Not sure what it is with me and spices lately. :)

  2. Pumpkin ANYTHING is wonderful!! I love pumpkin spice lattes! :)

  3. Just the words "pumpkin spice" make me breathe in the chilly air of autumn. Oh how I love autumn *happy sigh*.

  4. I can't get my mind off The Lion King.

    But now maybe pumpkin is in the mix too.

    Have fun visiting your grandmother!

    1. I completely understand; I've seen it and it's astounding!

  5. Aww no more linky party? Bummer! It's ok though--I understand, since I was the only one cool enough to link up every week ; ] My current latest blog post was supposed to be linked up. You can check it out if you get the chance, but no worries if you don't!

    I tried an iced pumpkin spiced latte from starbucks last year (I don't drink hot coffees) and really just didn't enjoy it at all. It very may have been because I got the small size and perhaps there was too much pumpkin to latte ratio so it just overpowered everything. I'll probably give it another try soon just to make sure. (How could I not when like every blogger has been talking about these darn lattes?!) haha ; ]

    1. Try it again, but it may not be for everyone; and that's okay. :) As for the linky party, I'm putting a pause on it for now but I still want to read your posts. :D

  6. Catherine, I wanted to join your link up but could never seem to do it on that day. I don't usually post on the weekends, and it was too much planning ahead for me!

    It's feeling very fall around here. I made my first soup of the season, Zuppa Toscana ala Olive Garden.

    1. Oh I completely understand, Bridget. I don't want anyone feeling pressured. Our weather is getting there but not cool enough yet for my taste. However, that soup sounds amazing!

  7. I 'm loving colder weather, fairy tales, new earrings, jewellery making and my new love, Pinterest! As for pumpkin spice latte I haven't tried it yet but I really want to!


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