
September 12, 2012

Creativity Does Extraordinary Things

I have my grandmother this week. She doesn't talk much anymore. But I decided to try some new things this time. I wanted to give her easy projects we could do together. The first day I read her a picture book and it was precious because she laughed. I haven't heard that laugh in so long.
Today I laid out a simple coloring page of a house with mountains. I traced the edges of a window and left the middle for her to color in. She surprised me by copying my actions and tracing lines all over the page. She drew with focus. Then something extraordinary happened, she began to talk. She told me stories. She paused to look me in the eyes and talk. I almost started crying with the joy of it. It was her, for a brief and beautiful moment, she was herself again.
I wondered if all those times she sat knitting, cooking and sewing were pulled together in this moment of creativity. And I couldn't help but think that when her creative juices began to flow, memories and happy thoughts came with them. Perhaps that's why she could suddenly connect the dots and hold onto memories.  I hope so.

I hope you'll try something creative today; see where it takes you!


  1. That's so amazing! What a touching story :)

  2. You made me teary this the best possible way.


  3. Such a bittersweet post! My eyes are teary, too.

    1. It is bittersweet, Jenny. It's hard to see her like this, but then again, I think there's purpose in it. Maybe so I won't take any moment for granted. :)

  4. The images and the story are both sad and inspiring.

    1. Sad and inspiring, so true; think I felt a mix of both.

  5. Oh sis, tears flowing, that is soo precious! I'm so glad you got that moment with her!

  6. thats so awesome Catherine!!!
    pleased for both of you :)
    ill be thinking of you both this week :)

  7. That's amazing! WOW!!! Thanks for sharing this, Catherine! <3

  8. Moved to tears. What a moment to treasure, and you created it for both of you with your love and care. Just amazing. <3 Thank you for sharing it with us.


  9. This is very very sweet : ] Glad to read it!

  10. This warms my heart, Catherine. It's amazing what we are capable of when our eyes, and our hands, and our hearts are reunited with our creativity!

    Your grandmother reminds me of my own. Love her deeply, even as she's passed. There's true magic in those moments you're making with her!

    Love that you shared this! Thank you.

    1. I agree Scarlett. And I can tell your grandmother was wonderful by the way you love her. :)

  11. OMGosh Catherine!!!
    what a blessed experience, what a gift
    moved to tears and words escape me....
    i am so glad I scrolled back to read this
    i am glad I answered the call
    this is little we understand and yet how much we are given♥
    thank you for sharing your miracle here

    love and light

    1. Thank you for your beautiful words, Cat. I'm still soaking in the joy of it.

  12. how beautiful... enjoy ever glimpse she gives you!
    hugs, dana

  13. Your grandmother is so you Catherine. What a sweet post.


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