
September 19, 2012

5 Great Posts on Time Management

Time management seems to allude me these days. If I'm managing one side of life well, it seems the other side gets off balance. So in my pursuit of getting better at it, I discovered some wonderful posts. Here are five great posts on time management:

1. Ask Elsie and Emma: On Time Management by A Beautiful Mess.

2. Balance: Tips For Scheduling a Productive Week by Maiedae.

3. Coffee Cup Chats: The Unbalancing Act (Part One) by Life as an Artistpreneur.

4. Four Tips on Managing Your Creative Time by CraftyDad @ Handmadeology

5. Simple [but valuable] Tips to Juggle Business + Life @ GussySews

What have you found helpful in balancing life?


  1. Nice list! Pinning it for reference. :)

  2. Catherine: Time management is my greatest strength. I am a guy prone to a lifetime of adventures, but I learned early on to get the most out of the hours I am given. Those who know me laugh because I tell everyone "I don't believe in time." I don't.

    In my view, time is an arbitrary concept created by man to measure stress. We all have 24 hours from sunrise to sunrise. How we prioritize those hours determines what enjoyment we can cram into our lives. I try to accomplish twice as much in half the time, and take more free time for myself and my family every month than many people do in a year. Time management is everything.


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