
August 9, 2012

Thrifty Smiley Faces

These photos are things I saw while thrifting.
I swear, I did not see this smiley face until after I'd taken the picture. And as I was browsing the pictures in my camera, there it was. I'll admit, I let out a little scream. Smiley faces are definitely following me.
I think Ginger would just taste better coming from these little canisters.
Being a little anemic, I contemplated buying this ice crusher. But why, when there's Sonic ice?
Nothing goes better with crushed ice than a soft pretzel, am I right?
This stove set just makes me happy.

Do you like browsing Flea Markets or Thrift Stores?


  1. I could spend hours in places like that. And that stove makes me want to put on a vintage dress and bake cookies. :)

  2. Yes, I love going to antique malls and flea markets! Stillwater has the best 2 story antique mall...I could spend hours in there!

  3. What store did you go to here? I went thrifting yesterday, and it was great!

    1. That was one in Arkansas when I was visiting my sister. There are some here I still haven't been to.

  4. oh- if you do a girls thrifting trip PLEASE invite me. I love thrifting but most of the time (like yesterday) I go with my children who make it VERY difficult to enjoy the process. But I did get 12 shirts for B for starting school, plus a backpack, all for the price of about 2 shirts at a regular store. And then L started shrieking REALLY loud, so I decided to leave it at that.=)

    1. Of course, we'd invite you! Sounds like you did a stellar job despite motherly complications. :D

  5. I love spending time in flea markets. Always find a treasure or two. I really like the ginger tin.

  6. I love browsing kitchen items. Some of them remind me of my youth and I love that feeling. Some things are just plain weird. ;)


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