
August 22, 2012

The Guitar Process

I thought it'd be fun to share the process of painting my guitar girl, and her many hairstyle changes.
1. I cut out a dummy face to find good head placement. I wanted her to be seen when played.
2. I painted the background, added a few layers then gessoed the face and neck.
3. I added more layers to the background with stamps and various materials. She began as a blonde.
4. To add more hair dimension I put in multiple colors, but the look was too much. I didn't like it.
5. I painted white over the whole thing and actually loved it that way. But it had an unfinished look and I couldn't quite get past the cartoon feel.
6. I decided to go curly instead of spiky and so the next phase was brown, short and curly. But it seemed too stagnant, I wanted more movement. (Sorry I didn't get a good picture of it, just the edge)
7. I eventually realized I wanted long, flowing hair running under the strings with lyrics woven through. This became my final hairstyle and it felt juuust right.
Hope you enjoyed getting to see the steps! You can see the guitar in full here.


  1. Catherine, you did it. You're very creative. I enjoyed the way you showed the steps to getting it done and all the changes you made.

    1. Yes, finally finished. :) It was fun to document, although I had no idea it'd change so much. Ha.

  2. I gotta say - when I first saw this picture on facebook, I thought, "Wow, that is very cool!" It's hard for me to imagine how many hair changes she went through, but you did a fantastic job on this, and I love the way she turned out! Also lovin' the lyrics mixed into the artwork! :)

    1. Thank you, Janine. She was quite a transformation; changed her hair almost as much as a real girl. ;)

  3. I love the end result! So happy for you AND ken!

  4. Loving her and thank you for sharing your work in progress, x

  5. very interesting
    never would have guessed she went through so many different hair colours or styles
    I LOVE how she ended up especially with the lyrics in her hair

    1. Yes, which is why she took sooo long. This is my changing-hair-in-one-painting record, ha. :D And thanks.

  6. Lots of work and hours went in to that fun guitar art!

  7. I can so relate to your hair changes. I'm still working the hair on my girl -- currently changing her highlights and adding some wispy tendrils. But who knows how she'll end up!

    Congratulations on finishing your guitar, BTW. Beautiful!

    1. I love those finishing touches! Can't wait to see. :D

  8. Hi! Coming by from PPF! This project is super fun! I like your girly girls! Very pretty! Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

  9. Oh my goodness you are SO BRAVE to paint a guitar!! I would be so scared. But it looks so cool!

    1. Brave or crazy, one of the two, ha. I was really scared while doing it. I think because it was such a unique shape and just odd angles. But thank you! :D


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