
August 1, 2012

Photo an Hour

*9:00* Morning coffee and lots catching up.
*10:00* Macey wanted to join our sister day.
 *11:00* Tried to take a few pics on the way out the door and had a some photo fails.
*12:00* At lunch, we discovered the cutest women's bathroom door.
*1:00* On the drive, I noticed Cynthia's earrings.
*2:00* Time to shop the Flea Market.
*3:00* Could someone please style my house like this?
*4:00* Cynthia showed me how awesome this chaise would be in my studio. I wish!
*5:00* I kept slowing us down by making her look at cool things I found, like this radio.
*6:00* Sitting down for a much-needed break.
*7:00* Met some friends for dinner at a local (and yummy)Thai restaurant.

It was such a fun day to spend together; I wish we had more times like that. Some of our activities I didn't show because you'll see them later on. :D What's going on in your day?


  1. Cute! I like Cynthia's earrings, too!

  2. what a lovely post

    Is Macey your puppy? soooo cute!!

    that sure is a cute women's bathroom door!!

    Ive always wanted a chaise lounge and this one looks soooo comfy

    Im pleased you could have this day together :) :) :)


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