
August 7, 2012

More Photos from New York

The infamous ice skating rink. We didn't skate because we had so many other things we wanted to see.//Top of the Rock, such a beautiful view. Although it was crowded the day we went, it was completely worth it.//A worn out little boy; lots of walking in NY.//And of course, making music on the piano in the toy store--yes the one Tom Hanks danced on in the movie, Big. That toy store was A-MA-ZING!! A human toy soldier met us at the door. We got to meet superheros and see life size stuffed toys. I felt like a kid again. So FUN!


  1. Looks like your family had an amazing time! I bet my husband really wants to go to that toy store!

    1. I bet he would! I could've spent an entire day in there. Oddly enough the kids got tired of it before I did. Ha.

  2. Thank you for sharing your family and fun times, x

  3. NO WAY, one of those giant pianos! It's pretty much the first thing on my bucket list, I'm so jealous! :)

  4. New York New York! I am hoping one day to make it out there. I'll have to do some research before I go because I wouldn't have thought about visiting any of these places. Yikes!

    Your kids are so cute : ] I'm guessing the girls are not twins? But they look so much alike!

    And my dear Tom Hanks. Favorite actor of all time. BIG wasn't my favorite (or even top 5) movie of his but I do like it. And he does make that gigantical piano look incredibly enticing.

    Thanks for sharing!! : ]

    1. Funny, I love the movie Big, even though it's hardly a cinematic masterpiece. He's so sweetly awkward in his Tom Hanks sort of way.

    2. Haha very true. It's kind of classic young Tom Hanks at his best. I'm more of a middle-aged Tom Hanks fan myself but he did make some really awesome movies when he was younger. I mean, no one could make a "money pit" look nearly as exciting as he did ; ]

  5. Cute! Your daughters look so much like you. I remember playing at the Lego table. Is that still there?


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