
August 26, 2012

Loving Lately: Tackle Man

What I'm loving lately:  

Watching C pay close attention to the coach before his first game.
Seeing him tackle like a madman and amaze us all.
Hearing Dad give after-game praise.
Capturing the smile on C's face when being told by fans what an amazing game he played.

What are you loving lately?


  1. WTG!!! to your son :)
    what a lovely post from a proud mama :)

    1. Yeah, I tend to brag a little. *reddens* It can't be helped, it's in the Mom Manual. :D

  2. Whoops! Forgot to comment earlier when I left my link. This is great! It's always really nice when you know someone who does well at something. I always feel proud when I can say I know the person haha. I'm sure it must be so great that your son is doing well : ]
    And so, is this peewee football, or is it part of school? (Sorry to ask again, but I don't think you responded to the comment I asked it in, and I really do want to know! Haha I wasn't just being nice ; ] )

    1. Oops, I didn't answer that. He's homeschooled and it's through a homeschool organization (they're big here). The team plays as if it's a school against other schools.

    2. How interesting! And so very cool all at the same time. It's great that your kids still get to do sports and stuff even though they're homeschooled. Very very cool : ]


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