
August 12, 2012

Loving Lately *NEW* Link-Up

What I'm Loving Lately:
 Parks with stone steps that lead to a hidden alcove where birthday parties are held.
Tops of trees with no leaves, indicating that perhaps fall is not as far away as it seems.
Perfectly placed park benches and half-filled tennis courts.
Discovering a hidden feather.
Getting drizzled by a soft misting sprinkler which ironically had no children in it.

I love having a positive start to the week by noticing what I'm loving lately. I began doing this when I joined Anna's Much Love Monday, but she recently stopped doing the link-up so I thought I might pick up the baton due to Beckie's sweet nudging. :)  I'm adding a linky tool below in case you'd like to share a post of what you're loving lately. Or you can put what you're loving in the comments below. I'll put the linky gadget up each week for a month and we'll see how it goes. If you'd like to join, I'll post on Sunday evening by 8:00 (US Central time) for those that schedule ahead. I'd love to have you join me!


  1. This sounds like so much fun! I would do it if I posted more than two days a week, but since I only post Mondays and Thursdays (usually), this would make up half my posts! But I'll enjoy reading yours. I loved these photos and those sprinklers look SO inviting.


    1. I hope it will be! And I completely understand. I don't want anyone to feel pressured to join, only if it's something that would fit with them. :D

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you decided to host a linky party! (That's what they call it these days right?) I might not have something to link up every week, but I'll join as often as I can : ]

    And! I love your loves this week too. I haven't been to a park in way too long and this is reminding me of all the great things about it. I might have to plan a quiet trip to a local one someday soon!


Thank you so much for your visit. I love hearing from you and dearly appreciate your comment!