
August 6, 2012

Loving Lately: Eragon Series

  • Sitting at the hospital with my elderly mother-in-law; I tore through the last of two books of the Inheritance series: Brisingr and Inheritance. Can I just say, in LOVE! Wow. It astounds me that this writer was so young when he started. To create a world like this with such depth of characters, oh my. It's been a while since I swooned for a series like this.  It's the kind that you're sad when it's over because there's not more, you know? *sits in the afterglow of happy book-reading*
  • Cherries. I don't know what's up with the fruit this year, but it's been extraordinarily delicious, especially the cherries.
  • Gladiator sandals. They make the dullest shorts look cute, in my opinion.
  • 100F. I know that sounds ludicrous but seriously, it feels like spring around here with the drop in temperature. It's been 110-115F and last night it rained, dropping the temperature to 100F. It's been a huge relief.
  • My daughters majorly clearing out their room and inspiring me to declutter the rest of the house. Their room is looking so organized and clean! And the giveaway pile keeps growing.


  1. Did you have to nag to get the girls to clear their room? My youngest cleaned her room this weekend - thought I saw a few pigs flying.

    1. No, it was their initiative! Which was all the more inspiring.

  2. When we were leaving for church yesterday, I told Kev I could feel fall in the air (it was already 90 degrees). I'll take any temperature drop we get...this morning is fabulous!

    1. I agree wholeheartedly!! The bank said 87F at 8:30 this morning. I couldn't help smiling.

  3. You should think about doing a "Loving Lately" Link-up every week or something. It would be fun to do my own posts like this (since I kind of already do) and then link it up. Just an idea ; ]

    And oh Eragon! I read the first 2 right about when they came out I think (well I remember reading the second one about 7 years ago anyway...I think...) Loved them! The third one took too long to come out so I needed to re-read the first 2 to remember what happened, and well that never happened. And then! I was saddened to see there was a 4th book when I thought there would only be three, so now I am extra extra behind. I'll get to them eventually. They're sitting on my shelf waiting patiently. Your telling me how good they are makes me want to start right away though haha!

    1. That's a thought. :) There is a link-up called Much Love Monday you might want to look at. I joined for awhile but couldn't always keep up with having a heart photo which is why I created my own version with Loving Lately. It's funny your journey with the Eragon series, because I too had read the first two books a long time ago and then just now finished the third and fourth. I definitely encourage you to finish. I haven't been able to quit thinking about it.

    2. Oops, Much Love Monday ended in June. I'm behind on things. So maybe...


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