
August 10, 2012


This week has been a doozy. One that makes you want to head to a place like this. I've been taking a few more photos around town and thinking I may have to start an About Town series. We have so many fun and beautiful places just hidden away in the nooks and crannies of our town.

This week has been an emotional roller coaster. My MIL was in the hospital and got out Tuesday. She's elderly and it can be difficult to help her understand some things. Not to mention just being worried about her health. Sometimes I feel like it's time to move her in with us, but she's independent of mind yet to want that. I waffle with the guilt of knowing how much to do for her. Dealing with this, along with some other things I don't want to go into, has made it a tough and stressful week.

I wish I was finished with the guitar. I know I promised to show you that a week ago. Oh no, maybe it's been two. I'm sorry. I just keep piddling with the HAIR of all things. It just hasn't been right. I am finally getting it there and I needed it to be done yesterday! But hopefully next week. I haven't had time to paint much other than that, and frankly, I'm dying to. Planning to do that this weekend.

What are you up to? How has your week gone?


  1. Sorry you had a rough week, friend. Hope this weekend will provide some joy and light for you =)

  2. Sorry to hear your week has been emotional trying; I have been having a few days like that myself...missing family.
    I wanted to THANK YOU so, so much- I am SO excited about winning your giveaway with Violet Bella/Roots&Feathers!! I can't wait to hang one of your pieces at my home! Enjoy the process of finishing your guitar:)

    1. Hope your weekend is better. And yay!!! *happy dance* :D

  3. well, it's always a lovely day for a Guinness, especially if it's been a doozy. Mine's been trying, as well, so I'll raise a glass to you tonight.

  4. I loved your thrifty pictures in the last post! I'm not much of a vintage shopper/thrifter, but I really enjoy seeing what other people have found. And seriously, another smiley face? Surely they must mean something. Maybe smiles are just what you need right now. Especially with how things have been with your mother-in-law. My grandpa's health is declining more and more every day and I am just so grateful that he has my grandma to take care of him when we aren't there. I really hope she will change her mind and give you peace knowing she's ok and has someone with her in case something happens. But also because it would be best for her. But either way, i hope it all works out for the best. And I wish you much inspiration in finishing the guitar because I know how much better everything will seem when you have it done haha (lifetime member of the Procrastinator's Club, right here folks!)

    1. Thank you for the inspiration. I finally finished it!!!


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