
August 29, 2012

Girl's Day Out

Mom's only birthday request for the past few years has been to have a girl's day out.  My twin sister, Mom and I spent the day drinking coffee, chatting, shopping, eating, laughing, and catching up.  We celebrated with cake and ice cream. Mom had the ice cream (a chocolate dip cone) and we ate cupcakes. We visited a little cupcakery I've been dying to check out. It took us forever to choose one (I think the lady behind the counter was about to give up). Not to brag, but my cupcake was the tastier one, called Cheeky Monkey: fresh banana cake with caramel cream cheese frosting, candied pecans and caramel drizzle. Oh, MY! So good. My sister had Lemon Drop: zesty lemon cake with lemon curd and lemon cream cheese frosting. The day went by too fast but it we enjoyed every minute of it! :D

What would your perfect day out look like?

P.S. I have a surprise for you tomorrow. It involves a vlog and singing. Eeep!


  1. Oh my goodness. That sounds so delicious!
    I'm glad you had a great day, and happy birthday to your mom!

  2. Mmmmmm! Those cupcakes look good. Glad you had a good time.

  3. So fun!!!! My mom and I try do do a shopping day every so often. Always a great day!!

    1. You know, truthfully I hate shopping, but I loved being with them. And I can sacrifice shop once in a while. haha.

  4. all I have to say is YUM!!!!!!

    love and light

  5. cupcakes always make for the best girls day out! a very happy birthday to your mom!
    xo TJ

    1. Agreed!! If only I limited eating them to those days. ;)

  6. What could be more perfect than a day out with your sister and mum drinking coffee, laughing and eating together. Thank you for sharing, x

  7. um i think i need a cupcake now. happy birthday to your mom :)

    1. Here's a virtual one. *holds out cupcake* It's the Cheeky Monkey. :D

  8. looks like a yummy day:)a get together is not quite complete without sweets:)birthday wishes to your mother~

    1. I agree. And it's the law to have them on birthdays, right? ;)

  9. That looks wonderful! Happy birthday to your mom! I was looking at that picture of your sister and thinking, 'That must be her sister, but man they look a lot alike!" ha ha. :)

    So excited for tomorrow! <3

    1. Haha. Glad you're curiousity was validated. And thanks for being excited! :D

  10. pleased you all enjoyed yourselves :)

    your descriptions of those cupcakes are making my mouth water

    yaye another vlog :)

    1. Mine too! I may need to go back, ha. And thanks for being excited about the vlog. :D

  11. Cupcakes are my most favorite thing in the whole world. That lemon one looks goooood. I'm not a banana fan, but I'm sure yours was tasty, too!

    And I'm jealous you have a twin sister. I want a sister!

    1. Banana would never be my first pick either, but the lady recommended it and I was so glad she did! You want a sister? Then I hearby dub thee as our twister (twin + sister = twister). I'm so corny. *sigh*

  12. I wish. I wish. I wish I owned a CupCakery! Where I would bake cuppycakes all day long, while singing a cupcakey song, sharing caked cups with names like... *Cheeky Monkey*, *Lemon Drops*, and *Leave Your Bra At Home*! Oh, I would be good at THAT job!

    I loved hearing about your girls day out, Catherine! Your smiling family is the frosting on the cake!

    1. Hahaha *Leave Your Bra At Home* hahaha. Oh Scarlett, that made me laugh so hard. You WOULD be good at that job!!
      Catherine Denton

  13. Beautiful pics! Glad you all had a nice girls' day. Those cupcakes look so yummy!

  14. Girls day out, such a treat! And that pun actually was unintentional.

    1. Haha, your subconscious came up with a good one! :D


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