
August 21, 2012

Football Survival 101

So my son started football. I'm a little nervous for him, but trying to embrace it. He showed me his arm muscles the other night and I about choked. How does a five-year-old have muscles?? Okay, he's eleven, almost twelve---but still. Since practices are a ways out for me, I stay to conserve gas. That gives me two hours to fill. I've found a few things vital to surviving my wait at football practice.
Books and planners. It's amazing what a little plan time can do for the rest of the week.
A good parking spot. It's fun to see what the little man is up to, so I like a good view.
Drinks. I take tea or flavored water to keep hydrated. Sometimes I treat myself with Starbucks.
Snacks. Lately peanut butter has been my go-to snack along with peaches and grapes.

Do you have times of waiting during your day? What do you fill it with?


  1. I know exactly how you feel as I've spent COUNTLESS hours waiting at soccer/tae kwon do/more soccer/and did I mention soccer? Books are my thing, and maybe a jog

    1. Jogging is a brilliant idea. I'd thought about walking since there's a huge field available.

  2. I always back a book and a journal for those times passing situations....
    hope you have been having a great summer Catherine

    love and light

    1. I always keep a journal in my purse; I hate to be stuck without one. It has been a good summer, but now it's over. :(
      Catherine Denton

  3. if you have an iphone or androide phone, you can download apps like Evernote. they're good for jotting things down. love your blog. following you now. i have a new post up, would love to know what you think xx

    1. Alas, I have neither. Would love one! Thanks for the follow. :D

  4. LOVE that typewriter notebook! And I just got myself a planner and am using it more than I brain isn't as trusty as I thought =)

    1. I love it too, my sweet little niece gave it to me--so thoughtful. I know all about brains not being as trusty as they ought!

  5. How exciting! I like watching football games "a lot" (more like when I get the chance to in person--so expensive!) I don't know how much fun it would be to watch practice, but I think I'd be pretty entertained for awhile. After the newness wore off though...hmm... Honestly, I'd probably bring my laptop if I could get an internet connection. If not then just a book. Having a certain time set aside to read would be wonderful! I like your survival guide a lot though. I totally want to be this kind of mom some day : ] Is this the kind of football thats done through school, or outside? (My middle school didn't have a football program).

  6. a while ago my older son tried American peanut butter and LOVED it
    hes ran out now though :(

    LOVE your stationery

  7. Haha coincidently I just made a '50 things to do when you're bored' blogpost yesterday. They might not all be suitable for the context, but perhaps you want to give it a look ;) And the arm muscle thing is funny, reminds me of my little brother haha




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