
August 14, 2012

Curvy Girl Outfits: Twin Style

Do you like my hair short? Ha, no I didn't cut it, just fastened the bottom layer in a ponytail holder and  tucked it under with bobby pins so it'd look short for the day. May have to do a tutorial on that. It was one of those times when I was tempted to chop it, but pretending it was this length helped me resist. Plus, it's nice not to seem too twins-y when we go out, keeps stares to a minimum.

We took these photos when I was visiting her a few weeks ago. She was such a good sport about the photo shoot. Even though she's not a blogger right now, she's preciously supportive of me having one. :D I still have some fun items to share with you that we worked on together, but they're not ready yet.

Cynthia's bringing Mom to town today so we can have a girl's day out in celebration of Mom's birthday. I'm really looking forward to it and maybe I can snag more photos of the three of us. Who do you love shooting photos of?


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