
July 4, 2012

Watermelon Hearts Blueberries or Happy Fourth!

For those who don't live in the states, today is our celebration of independence--the great Fourth of July. We wear red, white and blue in honor of our country, watch fireworks after dark and spend the day off usually eating grilled hamburgers and loads of fruit salad. At least, that's how I do it. :D

My daughter came up with the idea (prompted by Pinterest) to make a red and blue fruit salad. We couldn't find our star cookie cutter to shape the watermelon into stars, so we used a heart instead. We found the star after we were finished, of course. I had to show you that last picture because I swear I see a watermelon man--two eyes and a nose. Do you see him?

Happy Fourth of July! And I want to say thanks to all the men and women who've fought to give and keep our freedom. (Thanks, Dad!)


  1. I'm getting drool all over my keyboard!!

    Happy 4th! :)

  2. I see it!!! I see it!!! Incidentally, we are making the same thing at our house this morning :-)

    1. Yes! Glad I'm not the only one, that'd be creepy. And I bet your fruit salad has stars? :)

  3. So pretty and yummy looking! Before I saw what you wrote I SAW THE MAN!! little watermelon man. Happy 4th!!

  4. You got my mouth watering! happy 4th to you!

  5. yummy!!! will you all be at the river tonight??

  6. dont you just LOVE pinterest :)
    LOVE your watermelon hearts
    sounds like you had a neat day :)

  7. The hearts are a cute twist! We love our country! :D Happy 4th!

  8. Hi. First-time visitor and commenter from Cleveland. Saw a comment you made on the Whispering Writer blog and decided to click-through.

    Have a great Fourth of July and upcoming weekend!


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