
July 26, 2012

Sister Camp

My parents do this wonderful thing they call Cousin Camp. Every summer they invite all the grandchildren to come to their house for a week of fun-filled activities and the best food (my kids) see all year! Seriously, my parents go over-the-top with the things they plan and it's so sweet.

So, that means my sister and I have one kid-free week every year (aka Sister Camp). She and I usually schedule half of the week to hang out together and the other half with our hubbies. We anticipate all the things we'll do together each year and then spend most of our time just hanging out chatting. We never run out of things to talk about and always feel the time goes too fast. But we LOVE it! This time I actually talked her into doing some blogging projects with me (squeee!) that I can't wait to show you.

Are you doing anything fun today or for the weekend?

P.S. I forgot my camera cord so we're posting pics from the phone. :D


  1. Sister camp sounds like fun! I hope you enjoy it! I am popping over here to say that you won a book giveaway on my blog. Hooray! Send me your address, my dear.

  2. I've sat in a chair like that in Nashville!

    Hope Sister Camp is awesome. And I love the idea of a cousin camp!

    What fun!


    1. It made us laugh quite hard. I felt like Lily Tomlin.

  3. Oh gosh, this post makes my heart happy. I need to hug my sisters asap! Aren't they the best? =) Glad you're having fun!

  4. oh Catherine this is awesome!
    love the BIG chair
    this is what I did last weekend
    will beheading back up there this weekend with the family...sadly it is our last weekend up there we book the site for the month of July and now that month is over...but really, I am ready to move on to new adventures!!!
    have a wonderful time with your sister and hubby!
    love your parents idea...think I might have to hold on to that nugget : )

    love and light

  5. That is such an awesome thing your parents do for the kids! How fun & creative!

    1. It really is. I've told them they should write a book because no two years are the activities the same.

  6. fun!!! Enjoy the rest of your time...:)

  7. Haha, adorable photos! And that's the truth! Ppppllllppppllll!!!

    1. Hahaha!! I was hoping someone would allude to that. :D

  8. WOW!!! what a cool fun chair
    I wanna go and sit in it with my boys!!
    wonder if there is one in New Zealand like it
    Ill have to research that!!

    bless your parents for holding that cousin camp
    how fun!!
    and good for all involved

    and how wonder that you use some of the time to hang with your sis :) :) :)

    really looking forward to seeing your upcoming posts!!

  9. Oh I love these chairs! And I love the idea of Sister Camp. Mind if I borrow the tradition?

    1. Of course I don't mind! I think everyone should have a week of sister camp. And if they don't have a sister, adopt a friend to be a sister for the week. :D

  10. I am just going bonkers for this chair. So awesome! You guys really do look tiny and shrunken. I love it! I wish we had cool stuff like that around here!

    And the idea of cousin camp and sister camp is a great one. A fantastic way for the cousins to bond (I wish I had had that with my cousins!) It's very cool of your parents to do that. And what a wonderful way for you to spend the break from the kids ; ]


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