
July 16, 2012

Loving Lately: Guitar Project

Loving Lately: Mini sharpies. I use them for writing notes or doodling.**Working on the guitar project. I've been painting on it all weekend.**Seeing a precious friend in Seussical the musical; an hilarious walk through childhood.


  1. Cannot wait to see the finished guitar! I know it will look great.

    1. Thanks for your vote of confidence! It's changed even since taking these pictures and I hope for the better. :)

  2. Mini catch-up:
    --I loved your post about your kind of self discovery (for lack of a better term). I can be like that too, but am also the spontaneity-loving kind of person. Big kudos to you for being able to let your daughter go to Africa without you. I'm sure she is ever so grateful. And more kudos to you for making it through : ]
    --Womb-mates!! I totally just heard this term for the first time in the movie 'Jack and Jill' with Adam Sandler. I laughed for days at that. I love it. And I love the painting. It's so pretty and the quote goes great with it!
    --Yep, still pretty excited to see the guitar. : ]
    Ok that's it. Didn't get too far behind this time eh? Haha ; ]

    1. Beckie, you make me smile. :) I haven't seen "Jack and Jill" but now I need to!


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