
July 9, 2012

Loving Lately: Daring Adventures in Paint

Lately I'm loving:
Mati Rose McDonough's new book, Daring Adventures in Paint. She feels like a kindred spirit who I'd love painting with. * My daughter's coming home tomorrow from her trip to Uganda!! Yes, I've survived and actually have done much better than I thought. We've only spoken twice and she was beaming from the phone both times. * Found a new restaurant that's as yummy as it is economical. They brought my bill out on this cute clipboard. * My hair is finally long enough to play with. I actually managed to get it in a side braid this weekend. Yay!

What are you loving lately?


  1. Hi Catherine, my niece went to Uganda two years ago and she really enjoyed her stay though where she stayed was in contrast to where she lives.

    On another note, congratulations, I’m nominating you for Versatile Blogger Award – please ignore if you’ve received it before.

    1. So glad your niece enjoyed it. I can't wait to hear stories when my daughter gets home!

  2. She's coming home already? Wow! The time flew by! But it sounds like she has loads to tell you (and then hopefully you'll tell us!) ; ]

    Your hair looks great! That's one of my favorite hairstyles.

    And what am I loving lately? Hmm. This dessert "tree bark" stuff my Mom's been making. Seeing my plants grow. The weather here! And finishing puzzles : ]

    1. Yes, hopefully she'll have some pictures I can share! And that tree bark stuff, yum! We've had a cooler day here and I've enjoyed that as well!

  3. welcome home to your daughter :)
    pleased she had a good time and I know youll be pleased to see her again :)

    1. She had SUCH a good time! She's been telling stories all morning. :D


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