
July 2, 2012

Loving Lately: Battling Heat with an Updo

With this sweltering heat, I've been loving the updo!/Spending lots of training time with this little guy. See how well he's sitting for his picture?/ This is the guitar I get to paint. Well, I'm sketching on butcher paper right now, but soon it'll be sanded and ready. Eventually it'll be put back together for playing---yes, playing!/ These pendants I've been working on. Now offered in my shop!

What are you loving today?


  1. Oh, this heat! So tired of it and it's only July 2. So what I'm loving today is air conditioning!

    1. Haha, ME TOO!! Did you know that if your air conditioning is running 20 degrees below the temperature outside, that it's working properly? I think I've been pushing the a/c too hard.

  2. I can never get an updo to look right. Today I'm loving cherries...and the picture of your dog. So cute!

    1. Yum, cherries! As for the updo, you should look into the sock bun (I know, hilarious name--it's all over Pinterest). I haven't tried it, but my daughters have; easy and adorable!

  3. Oh I pretty much wear my hair wet and up every day during the summer. I have pretty long hair right now, and I'm not a fan of a sweaty neck. LOL.
    Look at all your projects!!! <3

    1. I can't stand the sweaty neck either! I've done the wet hair up too--so refreshing. Thanks for the encouragement. I've been working pretty hard on lots of things and just keep forgetting to post them. Big update coming on my shop this week! <3

  4. Cannot wait to see what you do with that guitar! And the necklaces are adorable.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Shelley. I'm excited and a little nervous to begin.

  5. Oh yes, loving an updo as well. This heat making machine in my belly is not helping me stand the heat wave we've been getting. So up the hair goes!

    1. Oh you poor thing! I had two summer babies. I was emerged in the pool most the summer or napping in air conditioning. Haha.

  6. Updo! Ditto! Lovin' your pendants today Catherine!

  7. I also love updos - especially yours (it's really beautiful). And today I'm also loving wonderful earrings :)

    1. Thanks, Diana! I love earrings and tend to wear them the most of any accessory. I think because they don't get in the way and they show when your hair is up.

  8. LOVING your updo I like having one sometimes :)

    what a good and adorable boy you have :)

    looking forward to what you do to the guitar
    I use to play an acoustic guitar as a child

    very tempted to buy a couple of your necklaces
    how big is the pendant?

    1. Hey Jen! The square pendant is 3/4 of an inch by 3/4 of an inch. I realized I needed to have it next to another object to help show the size. May try to add that tomorrow.

  9. I hardly ever wear my hair down anymore. It's too long to d anything pretty with it, so up it goes : ]
    Such a cute doggie! Is he new?
    Can't wait to see what you do with that guitar! I'm betting it'll be way cool.
    [Note to self--go check out Catherine's shop when you finish this comment.]

    And! I just watched your vlog. Cute! Your voice is very similar to what I thought it would be. And you made me laugh! I'm not sure if I was supposed to, but yes I actually laughed out loud a few times : ] I loved it! And because you asked, I'm sharing 8 things you may not know about me either:
    1. I, too, love pens. I probably have a good 50 pens. And with this I have found the best working ones are the cheapest ones!
    2. I have no LotR dolls, but I have Buffy & Angel ones (packed away somewhere...)
    3. I prefer Star Wars to Star Trek.
    4. I can't cook anything other than pre-made cookies, jell-o, and eggs.
    5. I keep (and not use) candles and lotions that have really nice scents so I can smell them forever.
    6. For a long time I refused to buy DVDs and had to special order VHS tapes when they weren't available in stores.
    7. I think elephants and giraffes go together perfectly.
    8. I would help you spread your new word around if you came up with the perfect one to spread : ]

    1. Hey Beckie! Ha, no the dog's been with us a year, but only recently has he been getting more training. I didn't have the time to really train him well in the school year. I'm glad you laughed at the vlog--it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. :D Loving your eight things! How awesome that you have Buffy and Angel. As for #8, I will take you up on that!

  10. Love the up-do and those beautiful pendants! Yay!

  11. Ooh...and I can't wait to see what you do with that guitar. So cool!

    1. Thanks for the love, Jamie! I'm rather nervous about the guitar but I always am when I venture into unknown territory. It'll be an adventure. :D

  12. everything looks so lovely! I can't wait to see what you do with that guitar!


    1. Thank you, Elyse! I'm almost ready to begin painting. I kept playing around with sizes of things but think I've finally figured it out. :)


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