
July 25, 2012

DIY Breakfast Pops

I've been wanting to try some make-ahead breakfast recipes and thought for the first one I'd go for something healthy and cold. This is incredibly easy and delicious (got the idea from my daughter).

Supplies: fresh blueberries and yogurt.

1.) Wash blueberries and set aside. 2.) Put a small dab of yogurt in the base of the cup. Then alternate layering blueberries and yogurt. 3.) Slide the lid on (it may sink through blueberries). 4.) Put finished pops in the freezer for an hour or more. They will come out firm but soft, not hard like ice cubes. Easy peasey breakfast squeezy. Note: if you don't have Popsicle cups, you can use freezer baggies.

See the smiley face in the pop? I swear that was unintentional, just like this one. I discovered it when I started taking pictures. Weird. Beginning to wonder if smiley faces are following me. Not a bad thing, I suppose. :D

What's your favorite make-ahead breakfast?

Shabby Apple Winner announced here!


  1. So cool! And the smiley face is awesome. Is it okay with you if I pin this on Pinterest?

  2. Looks delicious! My favorite quick breakfast is oatmeal with almond milk and greek yogurt. I may have to freeze them and see how it turns out.

    1. Oh do! If it works please let me know, it sounds delicious.

  3. These look so yum-o!

  4. Replies
    1. I thought so too! I think it's the pop of color from the blueberries. I wanna try strawberries now.

  5. Stopping by to say "Hi." Sorry I haven't been around much lately. And, you have such a lovely blog.

    1. Hi Mary! I haven't been getting around much either. It's summer, we're having too much fun. :D

  6. Genius! I don't know how I feel about popsicles for breakfast (I'm a hot breakfast kind of girl) but this would make a great snack too. Great idea! And I love the face in the popsicle. I see one in the second popsicle too haha. How wonderful it would be if smiley faces followed you everywhere! We'd all be so happy all the time right?!

    1. Yes, it would make a great snack! And as for the smiley face following, I feel like I'm seeing them everywhere now. Maybe they were there all along. :D

  7. yum!!!!!!!!!!! my kids would love these after school too

  8. This looks absolutely delicious!
    I love Popsicles!

    1. Thanks! I hope these make it into your favorite popsicle category.


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