
July 18, 2012

About the House

I thought it'd be fun to show a few of my treasures about the house. The first one is a figurine given to me when I was pregnant with my first child. The tenderness between this mother and child has always pulled my heartstrings. The second is a butterfly given to me by Jema. I attached it to my studio blinds and daily it reminds me to fly.

What are some treasures about your house?


  1. What a sweet figurine!

    I have an old figurine of a mermaid that my grandmother gave me. It's one of my favorite treasures.

    1. That sounds beautiful and how precious that it can remind you of your grandmother.

  2. I would say the art pieces given to me by my friends are my treasures (including one pink, hopeful lady from you!).

    1. Awww, thanks! :D I would agree with art from friends, I love all mine too!

  3. what beautiful treasures

    I have a set of 4 canvas art squares on my wall in my bedroom
    given to me by a special friend
    they a set of stones with the words hope, love, peace and faith on each stone

  4. More! More! I love these kinds of posts : ] Your treasures are so pretty!
    Most of the things I own are pretty frivolous (though a lot of it are gifts from people who know I like knick knacks haha) but I'd say some of my extra special treasures are a small white angel candle holder from my Grandmother who has passed away, bean bag/porcelain clown from my Uncle, an Indian doll that was part of my Aunt's collection (she also passed away), and then maybe some jewelry and stuffed animals from various family members. Ya know, the things that have memories : ]

    1. Haha, I know what you mean. I enjoy reading these types of posts too. I love that your most-treasured possessions are the ones that have memories.


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