
July 3, 2012

5 Cheap Summer Dates

photo by The Altar

1. Thrift Gift
Head to your favorite thrift store with an agreed-upon price limit. Browse the shop for a one-of-a-kind gift for each other. See how original you can be!

2. Five-Course Dinner In
Choose five easy finger foods for dinner (For example: veggies with dip, fruit bowl, lettuce wraps, chicken wings and cupcakes) . Serve your date one course at a time on china or other fancy-ware. Make sure the table is dressed up for the occasion with candles and flowers. Silverware is optional.

3. Proposal Do-Over
Go to the mall and pretend a proposal all over again with a cheap ring from Claire's or some accessory store. Let the screaming and twirling of the girl begin. The bigger your show the better the story for all your viewers.

4. Texting Treasure Hunt 
Take your date on a treasure hunt by texting clues or information to 3-5 places. Leave surprises along the way. For example, send them to Starbucks with an empty cup waiting to be filled (with their name on it and in the care of the barista); then to the dollar jewelry store for a necklace waiting at the counter; then to a Bath store for a small bottle of lotion; and finally, to their favorite restaurant where you'll be waiting at the table.

5. Beach Bums
Head to the beach or lake for a day to play in the water and lay in the sun. Don't have a beach nearby? Set up the sprinkler with a made-up obstacle course. A day at the water park would be a fun alternative but a bit more costly; finding a neighborhood pool might be the next best option.


  1. Great ideas! My husband and I actually did the "Thrift Gift" idea at Christmas when we both wanted just one more little something to put under the tree. Thrift/Antique store, $10 limit each--and we both loved each others picks. It was fun!

    1. Cat, what a fun idea for Christmas! I wanna try that, maybe even with the kids.

  2. Is that thrift store here in Tulsa? Looks cute.=)

    1. Afraid not. But there are some really cute ones on Cherry Street!

  3. Haha! What great ideas! Now I just need someone to go on these dates with... ; ]

    1. Haha, well most of these could be used among friends for girl's night; so there's that.

  4. AWESOME date ideas!!! I can't wait to try the thrift one, texting treasure hunt and Five course dinnner thing for each course...tooo cute!!! Also loved the proposal do over but don't think I could talk my hubby into it. haha.


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