
June 20, 2012

What's Your Favorite?

{Our paint-chip ball continues to grow, thanks to my daughter's nurturing}

I've been working on my blog; thinking about which features to keep and which to drop. I like to do this periodically to keep things fresh. I'd love to hear from you. Which post would you nominate as your favorite (on this blog) published within the last six months?

Anyone who puts in a nomination will receive extra cyber *hugs* and mounds of virtual cookies (with icing and sprinkles if you prefer)!

"And the nomination is . . ." 


  1. I loved the little red dress experiment - it was original and quirky - something right off the wall and different. Loved!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Clare! *hugs super tight* *holds out platter of snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies*

  2. I liked the Red Dress experiment too. I couldn't do what you did, but I believe it was a fantastic example of minimalism and anti-consumerism. I was inspired by it in many ways, not just in clothing.
    May I have a tray of cyber-brownies???

    1. *piles platter full of brownies* All for you! Thanks so much, Joni! *big bear hug*

  3. I loved your little red dress experiment too...
    But my favorite are those posts where you bear your soul...those always touch me deeply

    thanks Catherine

    love and light

    1. Thank you, Cat! *sets out fresh batch of oatmeal cookies* *HUGS*

  4. I'm going with Summer Manifesto. To do lists tell you a lot about a person! :)

    1. Thank you, DL! *gift wraps monster cookies* *Hugs*

  5. *Playing catch-up again*

    I think my favorite posts of yours are the ones where you share your life lately in pictures. Could this be called "What I'm Loving Right Now?" Sometimes it's in lists, and other times it's in a paragraph. Either way, I like these posts : ] [And I'll take my cookies with extra chocolate chips please] ; ]

    I'm also so sorry about your losses recently. It's really hard when they all come together like that. I hope you're doing better now though, no matter how small.

    And of course I've loved seeing your recent art works as well! I like that your blog is so eclectic without being all over the place (if that makes any sense...)

    1. I love when you play catch up! :)

      Thanks for sharing all your thoughts. I love hearing feedback and I'm tickled as punch to read your description of "eclectic without being all over the place". It does make sense. ;)

      *super sonic squeeze* *holds out box packed with chocolate chip cookies so full of chocolate chips you can hardly see anything else*

    2. I forgot to thank you for your condolences. I'm doing alright at the moment.


Thank you so much for your visit. I love hearing from you and dearly appreciate your comment!