
June 5, 2012

What's Your Blog Preference?

I thought it'd be fun to get to know what people prefer through a fun quiz. If you'd like to play along, leave your answers in the comments below:

1.  What are some blogs you visit daily?
2.  What three things connect you to a blog?
3.  Do you like a blog to be playing music?
4.  Do you prefer to comment or lurk?
5.  What five topics interest you most?

I'll break the ice and go first:
1.  What are some blogs you visit daily?
A Beautiful Mess, Soulemama, Violet Bella, Kyla Roma
2.  What three things connect you to a blog?
Words from the heart, beautiful photos, inspiration
3.  Do you like a blog to be playing music?
I don't like music to play automatically when I open a blog. But I do enjoy having the option to play music when someone shares a song that's special to them.
4.  Do you prefer to comment or lurk?
Comment, but I'll admit to lurking too.
5.  What five topics interest you most?
Heartfelt posts, DIY, life snippets, inspirational tips and outfits.

Can't wait to hear your answers!


  1. 1. What are some blogs you visit daily?, hes part of my family
    and of course you!!

    2. What three things connect you to a blog?
    family, friends and things in common

    3. Do you like a blog to be playing music?
    doesnt worry me

    4. Do you prefer to comment or lurk?
    comment and I especially like it when the blog owner responses back

    5. What five topics interest you most?
    life, things in common - like out of the blogs I named above 2 home school as I do and 1 took part in a photo challenge that I did, creativity again out of the blogs I named above all are into creativity in way or another be that drawing or photography or something else

    1. Sounds like it's a great family/friend connection for you, Jen. That's awesome.

  2. I like to visit the blogs that I have a link to on my blog - that way I can check out all my favorite blogs as and when they post (your being one of them!)
    I'm connected to a blog by the authentic voice of the blogger.
    I always like to leave a comment.
    Music doesn't play 'cos of copyright or something in SA?
    Interesting topics - art, creativity, peoples stories, spirituality, diy and art.

    1. I used to have a blogroll on my sidebar and loved it, but started having warnings of malware because of the links and finally had to take them off. I still connect through Google Reader but I miss having it here on the blog.


Thank you so much for your visit. I love hearing from you and dearly appreciate your comment!