
June 15, 2012

Please No More

Here is the completed version of Home. It was a housewarming gift to two dear friends. I needed to wait to post it in full until I'd gifted it. I meant to post more pictures of other works in progress but life happened--

Another sweet friend passed away suddenly yesterday. It was unexpected, and I had to relay the heartbreaking news to a group of his friends this morning. It sucked. I'm so done with grief. Three dear friends in one year feels like more than we can take. I'm beginning to feel nervous about answering the phone. Please keep his family in your prayers, they are reeling from the loss.


  1. Loving your beautiful picture Catherine.
    Totally understand how you feel, life is so fragile. Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry to hear this. I dreamed about you during a nap yesterday afternoon, so God was already placing you on my heart! I'll be praying for you and all those your friend's life touched.

  3. very sorry for your loss - recently found out an old associate, a wonderful caring woman involved with work in Chernobyl, died. It always comes, unfortunately. Hopefully good news will be more in your future!

  4. Beautiful finished painting.
    And I am so sorry for your loss.
    Sending prayers.
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  5. LOVE your painting and how blessed your friends will be
    and Im so sorry to hear about your other friend
    wow 3 in one year thats too much :(

    Im dealing with a kind of grieve at the moment too
    a scout leader whom I know from Billy was a sea scout died last Monday he was only 65 it was a fatal heart attack I feel so much for his wife

    praying for all who knew your friend
    HUGS x0x0x

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. My heart goes out to his wife. :(

    2. his wife was incredible comforting one of the male youth sea scout leaders whom got up to speak
      cant get over that!!

  6. You are in my thoughts and I hope there are no more to come for very long time to come... an awful time for you I am sure... and for the families... your painting is quite wonderful and in amongst the difficulty you have shared something wonderful...xx

    1. Thank you, painting gives me a breather. I'll probably be painting quite a bit this weekend.

  7. If its okay, I'll keep you in my thoughts as well.

  8. Love your gift and I am sure your friends did too. So sorry about your loss. Our life is so fragile.

  9. I am so sorry for your losses Catherine...three is so many. One is too many.

    Your art that you gifted to these two is sweet. Bet they loved it.

    Big hugs...thinking of you.

  10. Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry. You have been through so much. I'll definitely be praying for you and everyone that's hurting from the loss.

    And your art for your friends is beautiful. I'm sure they love it!


  11. Cute gift. I love how you do eyelashes!

    three deaths is huge. I am so sorry for your losses and for those families.

    Be gentle with yourself.

  12. Chris and I love the painting. Thank you so much!

    We will all miss Tom, and his humour and wisdom. He is in a better place at least!

    1. I loved doing it for you! You guys are kind of awesome. ;)

  13. So sorry to hear about your loss, Catherine.

    Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Sending *hugs*

    Love the painting.

  14. Catherine
    I am so sorry
    I hold you close
    and those affected by this loss

    love and light

  15. Sorry to hear about your friend. Life does suck - often, that is the hard part about being a human - the loss and suffering. Your art is so happy and light, filled with all the good things life has to offer - that is also part of being human. Thank -you for being so generous in all you share here.

    1. Thank you for being so generous with your encouragement. Sometimes I think that's why I choose happy colors and fond moments to paint--it counters the yucky.

  16. The picture is beautiful. And so sorry to hear about your loss. Hugs.

  17. Such a sweet, sweet painting! So sorry to hear the sad news. I know it must be a difficult time. I will keep you and your loved ones in my thoughts and prayers.


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