
June 26, 2012

My Hobbit Name

Since The Hobbit movie is coming out this year, I know you're wondering what my hobbit name is. *ahem*  Okay maybe not, but I'm sure you'd like to know. My hobbit name is . . . Daisy Hardbottle. I love daisies, so it's rather fitting. It was christened to me by Faith and she found it through the Hobbit Name Generator

Since I'm already geeking out, want to know what my elvish name is? It's Idril Elanesse. Isn't that pretty? I found it on this site. Yes, I'm a geek like that. *embraces geeky side with a big, squishy hug*

Wanna find out what your hobbit or elvish name is? You know you dooooo! *said in a high-pitched sing-songy voice*  If you're geeky enough to handle the truth, follow links above. I'd love to hear your names in the comments below if you care to share. :D Hobbits and Elves Unite!

Feel free to refer to me as Daisy or Idril from now on. *pulls on hobbit cloak; fastens with elvish pin* Now if you'll excuse me, Gandolf just arrived with an adventure.


  1. Hehe, I love uniting in geekiness. The names were just the should see my collection of LOTR recipes. :)

    1. GET OUT! LOTR recipes? How cool, well, geeky-cool. ;) I bet the names are hilarious and as for taste...that would be interesting.

  2. And you can call me Ruby Bramble of Willowbottom


    Nessa Palantír .

    Ha ha! Who would have thought?

    1. I love them both, but I especially love saying, Ruby Bramble of Willowbottom. :D

  3. I'm Daisy, too! Daisy Loamsdown of Deephallow. And my Elvish name is Idril Carnesîr. I think I'll start going by that at Rivendell from now on.

    1. We're both Daisy and Idril? Soul sisters for sure! I'll call you Idril if you call me Daisy. You're the elf, I'm the hobbit; seems fitting. :D

  4. Fun games! My hobbit name is Esmerelda Brambleburr of Bindbale Wood what a mouthful!! And my elfish name is Inwë Silimaurë! NO CLUE how to pronounce that! lol

    1. I love it! The longer the name, the better it is. :) Hmm, believe it or not, I don't speak Elvish so I can't help with the pronunciation. Thanks for playing, Kristin!

  5. Haha I totally sounded out loud your "I know you doooo!" in that high voice. It was funny!

    And I am so geeking out along with you. I am excited to have a chance to embrace LotR again! And the Hobbit book was always my favorite anyway so I am extra extra excited!

    For Beckie Ten Eyck I got Polly Proudfoot and Eáránë Culnámo.
    For Rebecca Ten Eyck I got Lila Proudfoot and Tarí Culnámo.
    *cue the scene where Bilbo makes his birthday speech and mentions the Proudfoots--"Proudfeet!"--laughter--*

    I think I like my Hobbit names. I do like my feet and used to use them to dance. As for my Elvish names? Too difficult to say, but I'm sure if an elf said them they'd be pretty sounding : ]

    Thanks for sharing the links!

  6. P.S.--I was having fun typing in names and typed in "Elijah Wood." The answer? Frodo Baggins of course! (And the same for all the other actors). Love it!

    1. Your hobbit name was mentioned in the MOVIE?? Lucky dog! And I looove that you sounded out my sing-songy line in correct voice, haha.

      How brilliant to type in Elijah Wood and genius of them to turn it into Frodo Baggins! love, Love, LOVE that! Thanks for letting me know (because now I can spend even more time on the generator giggling when it comes up with correct names for Orlando Bloom and Dominic Monaghan). I think we're geek twins. ;)

  7. LOL
    of course I am the same...but in-particular my hobbit name is Daisy ProudFoot! I like it

    geeking out with you Cat

    love and light

    1. Haha, of course. I like the name Proudfoot. Sounds like you're proud of your journey. Now you and Beckie are cousins! ;) Yay for geeking out together. *waves geek flag*

  8. Hobbit name: Ivy Foxburr of Loamsdown

    Elvish name: Lúthien Helyanwë

    Love this! Can't wait to plug in the names of everyone in my family. Wonder what it will do with Eowyn's name, which is already from LOTR?

    Been thinking of you a lot this week! Hope your heart is healing.

    1. This is so cool! Just had to tell you my girls' hobbit names: Iris and Zelda :).

    2. Your hobbit name is so pretty and dainty (just like you)! And how precious are those little hobbit names?? Now I'm gonna have to put Eowyn in the Elf Name Generator because I'm dying to know what it'll say.

    3. So funny--when I put in Penelope's name as "Penny," her Elvish name is Arwen. So I have an Eowyn and an Arwen!


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