
June 4, 2012

Much Love Monday: Sister Time

Sister and Brother

What I'm loving today:

  • My sister coming to town! (Yes, we're twins--she's the fun one) I'm so excited! It really feels like summer when she comes for a visit!
  • A delicious dinner with friends last night. Wish I'd taken photos!
  • That my house is almost prettied up for company. Just a few more things to do, but I love this "before" feeling.
  • The first of the month.The first of the month always gives me a bit of hope and a clean slate.
  • That the neighborhood pool down the street is open but it doesn't look crowded.
What are you loving today?


  1. I'm writing today and intend to love it. Have a great time with your sister, Catherine. What a smile!

  2. You're a twin! I think I love that. Have fun! :)

    1. Haha, glad you do, Melissa. :D We're having a blast!

  3. crap
    you reminded me that the in-laws are coming
    need to be cleaning instead of blogging!!!!

    thanks for the reminder
    love that you sister is coming to town so nice!

    love and light

  4. what a neat list
    LOVE the photo :)
    a hearty laugh :)

    how special family time :)

    1. This is one of my new favorite pics; it fits each of them perfectly!

  5. Oh I LOVE finding out people are twins! It's both weird and amazingly awesome at the same time. You're a lucky person to have a twin--I'm glad you enjoy it : ]

    I just got caught up on your blog--I haven't been blog-reading in general too much lately--and I love everything you've been posting! There were too many things to go through and comment on them all, but just wanted to say I loved it all : ]

    1. Oh Beckie, you're precious. Thanks for the kind words about my blog!


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