
June 25, 2012

Loving Lately

Seeing this amazing sunset/ Eating yummy made-from-scratch waffles at my daughter's waffle party/ This adorable Frankenstein pillow/ Drive-in movies. Our family went to the drive-in movie this weekend. It was a double feature of Brave and The Avengers. Definitely felt like summer with the cool breeze after dark, Quick Trip cheap drinks and lots of freshly made popcorn we'd brought along. Hoping to do more of this through the summer months.

What are you loving lately?


  1. I've not been to a drive-in in YEARS--like decades! That fun that must have been.

    But I am gonna make some home-made popcorn today, I think....


    1. If you have one in your town, you should definitely go! Our one drive-in burned down (it had been here since the 50's). They just rebuilt it and opened it a few weeks ago, so we had to go! :D

  2. I would love to go to a drive-in... Alas, my little one hates the idea of going to any movie theater, even outside ones. I really don't know why she's so against it, but the first time we tried it we had to leave the theater with her screaming (she was truly upset and terrified). And we were only inside for 5 minutes....

    1. Maybe she'll like them better the older she gets. I have a friend that made her own drive-in by borrowing a projector and playing on a sheet in the backyard. Maybe she'd like that--familiar territory.

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't it? I found it at a garage sale and had to get it; helped that it was only a quarter.

  4. I have not been to a drive-in movie in ages! How fun! Now would you kindly pass the waffles Catherine? : )

    1. You should go! *passes waffles and Nutella* Need syrup?

  5. Ah Nutella and Waffles<3 Best combination ever!

  6. An actual Drive-In???!!!! How cool! I would SO be there...and such an awesome double feature!! :)

    1. YES!! It was cool! The only un-cool thing is lines and you have to get there early before it's sold out. But they have a large grassy area at the front to play ball and frisbee until starting time. Pretty awesome. :)

  7. A waffle party? Whaaat? That sounds too awesome to be true!

    The last drive-in movie I saw (I'm told) was Beauty and the Beast--when it first came out. Looooong time ago. We actually have one only 20 minutes away. Plus! Movies on the beach only 45 minutes away. I should really think about going to one of these.

    Beautiful sunset picture too : ]

    1. Haha, yes a waffle party just because. It was my daughter's idea so I can't claim it; she also made the waffles. But I helped by inhaling them. ;) I think a beach movie sounds heavenly.

  8. I really really wish we had a drive-in movie place nearby, but I think the nearest one is an hour away :(

    Today I really loved my brother, who came over to help out after I nearly fainted mid-morning. (Don't know why. I am pregnant, which may be all the why my body needs.) He got me drinks and entertained my daughter and even did laundry, which is especially special because my husband never learned to do laundry due to his mother's OCD.

    I have also been loving crayons and cold milk and new maternity clothes from Old Navy.

  9. OMG you still have drive-ins they used to be an institution in SA - but all have gone now. That is a real blast from the past - we always used to drive off with the speakers still in the car!

  10. what a neat post
    what a neat bag and those waffles are making me hungry lol


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