
June 18, 2012

Loving Lately

*I scored big this weekend; I found two identical vintage chairs at a garage sale in good condition. I looourve them!! They make me smile every time I walk through the living room. And I got them for a song which makes me even happier. *Waffles and coffee rate among my favorite breakfasts, although I try not to indulge too often, ahem. *I've been working on a pile of paintings and hope to get them up in the shop soon.  *My son had a blast at basketball camp. He turned out to be the tallest in his category. They called him "big man"--which he totally loved.

What are you loving lately?


  1. Good for your son.

    I hope those vintage chair are thanking you for giving them a nice home with a lot of paintings.

    1. Ha, yes, they've been swiveling around getting comfortable. ;)

  2. I'm loving dragging all the baby things down from the attic and getting them in shape for the arrival of a new grandson this fall.

  3. mmmm
    I was sure i left a comment
    loven't the chairs Catherine
    and waffles....yummy : )

    love and light

  4. neat chairs

    gotta start the morning with coffee

    and wtg to your son!! mind you it probably depends on whom they call that too my eldest son is tall too but he left drama (several years ago now) because of them calling him that - bit a shame that

    1. Coffee is a perfect way to start the morning. I'm sorry to hear that about your son; I guess the tone makes all the difference.


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