
June 28, 2012

Invites, Favors and Notecards, Oh My!

photo Ajih Creations
Today I'm happy to have Monique from the blog, Creative Girl Living in a Country World! I've asked her a few questions about her paper craft:

1. How did you get started in papercraft? 
Due to various events that I made invites, favors, and baskets for, my mother stated that I should do this as a business.  So that’s what I did.  I concentrated on notecards, but still do invites, favors and baskets for clients.
photo Ajih Creations
2. What are your favorite tools of the trade?
Unique color paper stock, edgers, punches and papery accessories.
photo Ajih Creations
3. What advice would you give a newbie?
The same that was given to me by a mentor of mine, “DON’T GIVE UP.”
photo Ajih Creations
4. If you were a famous actor/actress, who would you be?
Lisa Bonet
photo Ajih Creations
5. And a few either/or questions just for fun:
Sunny or rainy? Sunny
Cupcakes or pancakes?  Pancakes, I don’t eat cake of any kind, but I’ll eat the hell out of some icing.   
Shorts or skirts?  Skirts.

Thanks for sharing, Monique!
Monique's a "creative girl living in a country world" as her blog title reads! Her blog is her personal space of all things creative and inspirational, which could include almost anything (DIY's, Art, Music, Food, etc). She has weekly and monthly features such as: New Release Tuesdays, Inspiration Thursday, and Cyberspace Friday. She's also the owner of Ajih Creations, a creative services business established 2008, which features her papery line. She loves to meet new people so please stop by and say hello!


  1. I really love this papercraft. It's an art that needs to keep fighting the internet all the way! Monique might really enjoy a blog called Old Paper Art. He's been decorated envelopes since before the Vietnam war and saved all of it. He even made me some envelope art and sent it.

    I agree with the "never give up."

    Beautiful work Monique!

    1. Wow! That's a long time to be decorating envelopes. How cool!

  2. I love seeing things made of cute paper! So fun!

    1. Me too! I tend to collect cute paper without a purpose, but I always think I'll use it someday. ;)

  3. Beautiful cards! I got into card making for soldiers over seas to send home to their families awhile back and became instantly hooked. I don't make cards for that cause anymore (though I should!) but I still make all my Christmas cards. I must say, though, that mine don't turn out nearly as nice as these! Monique, your mom was so right! Wonderful work!

    1. How cool that you were making them for soldiers. I'm sure that meant so much to them (and their families who were receiving them). And I love that you make all your Christmas cards. I've always wanted to do that.

  4. A BIG THANK YOU to Catherine for my feature! Also I would like to thank Joni James (your work is beautiful, seen you on Bella's blog Citizen Rosebud and you and I should do a collab), Kristin Rae (you've got a great eye and good luck with your pitch) and Beckie (let's do a blog button swap) for your wonderful compliments.

    I hope you become followers of my blog, and friend me on Google Friend Connect.

    Thanks for everything ladies!

  5. Joni and Kristin if you do blog button swaps, let's do that as well.


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