
June 27, 2012

Curvy Girl Outfits: Butterfly Sleeves

Camera Artwork c/o Joni James

When I was about eight I got a longing for a butterfly-sleeve shirt and I began saving money for it. It was something about looking like I had wings and the possibility of flying that appealed to me. I remember going to the doctor's office with my mom knowing we would go to the store after her appointment. I sat alone reading in the lobby for what seemed like days. When Mom finally emerged she asked if I would mind going on another day. I tried to act like it was no big deal but I was heartbroken. She must've seen it written all over my face because she quickly said she had some things to get anyways so we could go on. I was thrilled! At the store I searched through a pile of butterfly shirts until I found the one that had everything I wanted. I spent the evening waving my arms showing everyone how butterfly-like I was.

A few weeks ago while digging through my sister's stash of giveaway-to-sis pile, I squealed when I found a butterfly shirt with a BUTTERFLY on it! I'm probably too old to wear this sort of thing, but I don't care, I love it. It takes me back to that little girl who saved all her money for a shirt she wore as many days as Mom would allow and who always had an inkling it might give her the chance to fly.


  1. You're not too old to wear this, no way! I love things that cover my upper arms especially but it has to be light and airy in the summer. Sometimes those types of shirts are hard to find.

    Thanks for the mention!!

    1. I'm like you. My two big criteria for summer clothes: airy and comfy. :D

  2. I don't think you are too old at all
    it looks so fun on you!!!

    love and light

    1. Good because I rather like butterfly-ing around. ;)

  3. Ya know, I have never tried on one of these tops before because I was convinced it wouldn't look good on me. But I am a curvy girl too and now I am inspired to try one out! I'll have to look the next time I'm shopping.

    But yes, I agree with Cat and Joni--you're not to old for this at all. I mean, if it were like bubblegum pink then maybe ; ] but this? Totally works!

    P.S.--In response to your response: We could totally be geek twins!

    1. Yes do! I'll warn that these shirts fit differently in different stores, so you may have to try a few on to find the perfect one. But they're super fun to wear! *waves arms*

      P.S. Wonder geek-twins, activate!

  4. I love the bat wings on that shirt, it looks amazing :)

  5. looking good girl
    I LOVE butterflies too!!

    1. We get monarch butterflies everywhere in the fall and I love watching them!


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