
June 22, 2012

The Best Mirror is an Old Friend

"The best mirror is an old friend." - George Herbert

I don't really know much about George Herbert, but I love this quote. Probably because my best friend is literally my oldest friend, my twin sister. I went softer with the background because I wanted to play around with bright hair. This feels more like a period piece to me; reminded me of Jane Austin. I think it has something to do with the pale lips and hairstyles. But my sis saw it as more contemporary (probably due to the green and blue hair). 

This is the last weekend before my daughter leaves for Africa. *teeth chatter* I'm doing okay with it so far, but you might not want to ask me closer to take-off time on Thursday or I might burst into tears. Yes, yes, she'll only be gone thirteen days, I know. {THIRTEEN DAYS??? ACK!!} I'm trying to not be a terrified, obsessive mother. {WHAT WERE WE THINKING???} Yes, she'll have an international phone, {AND SHE BETTER DANG WELL USE IT!!} but still. I can't be there if something is wrong. I can't hug her or listen to her stories. *deep breath* No really, I'm fine with it. *bites nails* Really.

What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Africa! I forgot you had said she was going. How wonderful for her...and yes, terrifying for you. I hope her trip is incredible!

    1. I hope so too! I keep thinking how fun it will be when I can hear her stories.

  2. This art work is very cute - I like the tiara, it adds a touch of magic. Where is Africa is your daughter going? Don't worry - us Africans are wonderful people and will look after her!!!

    1. Thanks Clare, it was an old comb my daughter had broken; I HAD to use it. ;) It's in Uganda; thanks for encouraging me. I know I'm just having overprotective Mom jitters.

  3. Love this painting. I feel the period piece feel. Very Sense & Sensibility like. Safe travels to your daughter. What an adventure (for both of you! ha)

    1. You couldn't have made me any happier than saying that, my little Austen fan! Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm planning to keep myself occupied--probably have a huge stack of paintings when she returns. Haha.

  4. Hang in there Mama! It's tough for us when the kids start the transition to independence... But I remember being on the other side too and this will be so good for her. But yeah, I'm locking my kid up in a bubble. I still have no idea what I'll be doing this weekend.

    1. Thank you! And good luck with that bubble, they tend to pop and let the littles out. ;)

  5. What an adventure for your daughter. The time will fly. Your artwork is lovely and that tiara is wonderful. Happy PPF

    1. I'm sure HER time will fly; mine...I'm not so sure. But I'm planning to keep myself busy with the other two kids, a puppy and painting. So I'm hoping you're right! :D *fingers crossed*

  6. Lovely quote and gorgeous art work.
    My sister is my best friend, too. :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

    1. I'm so glad to hear that, Mary! Sisters are amazing. :)

  7. Love the style of your art work ~ so colorful and loving ~ Wishing good things for your daughter and you ~ hard to 'let them fly' ~~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you for your precious description and kind words. Yes, that flying bit is for the birds (no pun intended...well, maybe it was; I am corny after all).

  8. Very fun art work here today!!!
    Wonderful to have a twin I think...I have twin grand kids age 7 and a half!
    Wishing your daughter a fun filled trip to Africa and safe landing there and home again. What an adventure! Oh to be in her suitcase to see it all myself!

    1. Thank you, Lynn! I bet your grandkids are adorable. Having a twin is like a built in best friend; well, at least it was in our case and I hope it is in theirs. :) I like your hiding in the suitcase idea...

  9. Such a wonderful quote. I've been known to say that mirrors lie and what I see in my husband's eyes is the truth. And my husband is one of my oldest friends - I grew up with selective mutism that kept me pretty isolated, and Hero was one of very few people who managed to make it through that wall.

    1. Oh my gosh, what a beautiful story!! And I love your quote. Marriage uncovers so much about our inner selves.

  10. Very nice!!! Love that quote, so true!! I have friends for over 30 years and feel that same way!! One of them also had a daughter who did a french exchange in Africa. She got home fine, but it was an eye opener. Especially for a girl like her who has lived a very cushy life!!
    Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I imagine my daughter will come back with a changed worldview.

  11. a lovely piece! must be interesting to have a twin sister! i had my daughter go to a Christian youth camp in india right after i read a magazine which had stories about Christian persecution in India. arghh! anyway, she was fine and came home safely. happy PPF and thank you for sharing,
    hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

    1. Oh man, isn't that the way? You agree to let them go right before reading horrible stuff about the place. But I'm glad she made it back home safely. :)

  12. Love this piece and the quote! Relax your daughter will be fine-- really-- and she will expand her horizons ! :-)

  13. I love these girls' hair--both style and color!

  14. very sweet painting and sentiment! And safe trip to your daughter, it's nail-biting for sure!

  15. I love the quote! I'm looking forward to a visit with my best friend in a couple of weeks when she comes to stay with us for a week--if she's my mirror then I'm pretty lucky.

    1. What a beautiful thing to say about your friend! She must be a treasure.

  16. okay - on the mom stepdaughter went to South Africa a few years ago for 13 days...she is in vet school and they were going to check out animal compounds or something...she bungie jump off some crazy bridge over there and my stomach still turns when I watch the video. She has traveled alot but that trip made me nervous - as well as her 9 week stay in Brazil at these cow farms...ugh. She has gone to Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Japan...each time we smile with encouragement to conquer the world and our stomachs ache with fear. Surround her in your love and tell her to use her head! She'll have an adventure of a lifetime to share with you when she gets home!!!
    The painting is beautiful!
    hugs - cheers, dana

    1. My stomach lurched at the thought of bungie jumping. Ha. She IS going on a safari. Yikes! Thanks for reminding me that she'll have an incredible adventure to talk about when she gets back! :)

  17. I remember when my daughter went to Australia. . . so far away, I understand. I love the twins picture. I cannot imagine being a twin. Blessings, Janet PPF

    1. Oh wow, that would be far for us too! Thanks for understanding. :)

  18. hope the send-off went OK. i am sure she will call you :)

    1. It did! She was so excited and I managed to stay peppy and not cry. Haha. She called when they landed in Chicago. *smiles*

  19. oh I haven't been here in so long. I must catch up! Love those curly lashes!

  20. doing a catch up this morning
    my computer is sick again :(

    beautiful painting love the added feature of the crown

    praying for you and your daughter :)
    hope she has a safe happy interesting experience


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