
June 29, 2012

8 Things You May Not Know About Me VLOG

Eight Things You May Not Know 2 from Catherine Denton on Vimeo.


  1. I also have a thing for pens. Don't really steal them, but I am very possessive about mine. :-D

    1. What types of pens are your favorite? I just found an entire calligraphy pen set BRAND NEW at a garage sale. P.S. Better keep your pen collection hidden from me. ;)

  2. I really enjoy Vlogs because I feel like I get to *meet* my bloggy friends. :D So nice to see you in person, Catherine! :D

    1. I agree, Amy! I've really enjoyed "meeting" other blog friends this way; which prompted me to try it. ;)

  3. lol this was so awesome
    love how "geeky" you are!!!
    so good
    is your new series twins or sisters?
    your voice is a little lower than I thought it would be : )
    it is nice to meet your further this way Catherine
    thank for that!

    love and light

    1. Thanks for the love, Cat! I was hoping someone would be able to laugh along with me. ;) And as for my deep voice, I've had it since birth. Mom said I cried lower than my sister and that's how she knew which one was upset. Haha

  4. Its terrific to meet you Catherine you are such fun. I think your new series is about sisters as well. My addiction is paint brushes doesn't matter if they are used or new.......just love them. Happy PPF, Annette x

    1. Oh thank you, Netty! I was hoping no one would take me too seriously. ;) I love that your addiction is paintbrushes. *hides jar of brushes*

  5. The new series is about twins???

    1. (Hi Meme!! *hugs*) Yes! I forgot to reveal on the other comments but everyone's on target! It's twins.

  6. interesting post I always think its nice to hear what people sound like and vlogging shows more of who you really are :)

    I bite my fingernails too arrrrr!! wish I didnt but I do

    LOVE the pillows

    what a pretty doll and what a score she was!!

    I like your pen holder and if you ever get too many pens you can flick them my way - just kidding. However Im forever looking for pens. I think my boys take them LOL

    mmm nice beginnings of a painting I LOVE your use of colour :)

    lastly I agree your new series is going to be about twins namely yours - you and your sis :) neat I look forward to your upcoming posts :)

    1. I like that side of vlogging too; like you're sitting down with them and chatting. You know, I don't remember a time BEFORE biting my nails. Argh is right. Yes, twins, but more in general. Although one painting might appear much like my sister and me...

  7. I make cloth dolls, so the doll pen holder is perfect. My fave color is Yellow, I am looking for my Yellow cottage by the water. . . if you find it, let me know. I love the kooky pillows. Are you a Twin? I like the beginning of your new series. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Congrats on the Vid (vlog). Blessings, Janet PPF

    1. I love cloth dolls. I have a Raggedy Ann one from childhood--she sits in my cabinet nearby so I can see her. If I find your yellow cottage by the sea, you'll have to let me come visit. ;) Yes, I'm a twin and the series theme.

  8. I LOVE the Vlog!! :) And I also love that getting a new word in the dictionary is a dream of yours. So quirky and cool! And I have oatmeal everyday for lunch, whatever the season. :)

    1. Thanks DL! I've seriously thought of picking my favorite made-up word, defining the meaning and then asking everyone I know to start saying it. The dictionary would have to put it in if it became common enough, right? :D You have oatmeal every day for lunch?? That's genius.

  9. How fun! I glepped with joy today while watching this. ;)

  10. You are a cutie pie! Love that you were so happy about your doll, however, I noticed she is still in the box, didn't you watch Toy Story 2!! :O I didn't even know having a word in dictionary was one of your dreams, (or I forgot that one) how fun! :) Your series is about twins?! Love! ;)


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