
May 29, 2012

Summer Manifesto

Seeing Ali Edwards' Summer Manifesto prompted me to create my own. It was fun putting to paper what had been dreamily swimming around my mind.

What are your plans for the coming season?


  1. My favorite is "Look Kids in the Eye--LISTEN" I need to do that more. Such a good goal.

    I also appreciate that you also down garage sale-ing. Since I had a friend who used to talk about garage sale-ing constantly and I always laughed a little inside. Every time she said it, I imagined her in a little white boat as she went garage sailing. :D

    1. Haha, I'm glad that cleared it up for you. Don't really think it's a word but I never let that stop me from using it (or making one up)! :D

  2. I want to write a summer manifesto, too!! But not until it's really summer here...almost 3 more weeks of school! Bleh.


    1. Three more weeks? Ugh, you poor thing. I'd love to see your manifesto when you DO write it!

  3. What a fabulous idea!! I love how colorful yours is, too!!

    1. It was really fun to think of. I've thought of about ten more to add since I made it. Gonna have to get a bigger sheet of paper!

  4. Ooh, I love it! Those are all wonderful ideas and some are definitely in my summer plans too. My biggest priorities right now, though, are just finishing this &^%@ article that's driving me insane (researcher's block is killing me), and trying to coordinate our international move. *sigh* But yes, berry picking, picnics, looking at my little girl in the eyes, going to the beach, exploring the countryside, painting, upcycling, getting ready for the new baby... there's a lot more in the list too. It's going to be a full summer. :)

    1. Wow, you DO have a full summer! Wishing you a break-through on the article! Oooh and exploring the countryside--I like!

  5. Right now there's only one thing on my list. STAY COOL!! :)

  6. Great idea! I want to try to savor EACH DAY a bit better than I usually do. :)

  7. Replies
    1. I'm glad you liked it, Liza. It's FUN to think of playful lists like this. :)

  8. as we are coming into our winter here my plans will be to stay warm
    its cold today
    it doesnt snow where I live here in the Bay but it was quite icy this morning

    have fun this summer
    I LOVE summer time :)

    1. Winter is one of my favorite seasons: knitted socks, chili, hot chocolate, dark days to snuggle under covers and read. Try to stay warm!

  9. Hi Catherine - I just love 'look the kids in the eye and listen' - my youngest always moans that I don't listen to her. Isn't that a terrible thing for a mom to hear - so I'm going to remember to look her in the eye and listen more.(Guilt ooops it hurts) - As we go into winter (our winters are glorious - we do have the best weather in SA) I plan to slow down and take things a little less serious. Have a great summer and enjoy those ice cream sandwiches (yummy)

    1. I think as mothers we struggle with that because there is so much to be "doing". But the greatest moments come when I stop and really pay attention.

  10. what a great idea! i am tempted to do the same too...i'd totally love to go on berry picking or maybe even apple picking i used to do when i am small with family! so excited that summer is finally here xo

    1. Yes, I hope you do! (And leave a link so I can see!)

  11. Visiting you from Bliss Habits today! What a fun summer manifesto!!!! I love all of what you've included here. My list includes many of the same - I'd also include play with my dogs, create delicious cupcakes, create more art, see more movies and plays, and be happy!

    1. So glad you stopped by! And yum, cupcakes...may need to add that to my list.

  12. Love this idea. Have dinner (or dessert) parties. LOVE. I may steal this for my blog :)

  13. i plan to hoop more and figure out forgiveness! (a super hard skill for me :( happy summertime!

    1. Those are wonderful plans, Camille. I love hooping and should do it more. And I think forgiveness is difficult for all of us at times.

  14. I'm stopping by from Bliss Habits as well, love your post there. This is a great idea, I must do one as well, and I think mine will have to include going out with the family without mobile phones or cameras - just enjoy the moment.

    1. Oh that's a good one, Carolyn! It is hard to get disconnected from our toys sometimes, isn't it? But it's such a great thing when we do! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I like the one about looking your kids in the eyes and listening. I'm going to have to do that this summer! :) I'm going to make myself go swimming more!

    1. Such a simple thing but one we overlook. I love swimming, it's getting into a swimsuit I despise. Haha.


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