
May 24, 2012

Rachel Awes: The Colorful Doodler

I'm so excited to have Rachel Awes here today! She graciously agreed to answer some questions:

1. I love your whimsical works; how did you find your art style?
i began creating art because i was moved by hearing the moments of beautiful insights from my clients in my psychology practice. i would write down something lovely they said + later try to draw it. initially, i could go through a whole notepad of scribbling to search for some authentic lines that expressed what their sentiment felt like to me. somehow, over time, these scribbled lines began to have some kind of consistency to them. my breath came through the page.

2. What are your favorite tools?
my favorite tools are my heart + ears + arms to hug + the beauty i see in people + the colors of orange + green + yellow + softblue + red. i also love markers + acrylics.

3. What advice would you give a new artist starting out?
have fun. play. follow the colors + forms that bring you joy. follow them all the way home.

4. If you were a famous actor/actress, who would you be?
pippi longstocking.

5. And a few either/or questions just for fun:
Chicago or Hong Kong? chicago.
Cream cheese or Sour cream? cream cheese.
Roses or Tulips? tulips. + for extra credit, always with love. xo, rachel

Thanks so much, Rachel! Pippy Longstocking's a favorite of mine too!

Rachel Awes is a psychologist, art playgroundist, writer, wife, mom, + friend, who loves listening to the beauty in people. Join Rachel: on her blog, her beautiful shop, pinterest, facebook and twitter.


  1. I love the artwork, so pretty. I always admire the combination of art and psychology (as in art therapy for example), and this takes it a different level.

    ps.: awesome necklace on the picture, I want one!

    1. There's something about her work that makes me happy. I think because it speaks to the little girl inside.

  2. love this post!!!!!!!!!!!!
    cheers, dana

  3. What a fun art and fun gal!

    Good interview Catherine!


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